HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using Volume Management

Creating Accounts


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In order to create or use files on a nonsystem volume set, the account structure must exist on the system volume set and the nonsystem volume set. If you moved files from the system volume set according to the instructions in this chapter, you already have the necessary account structure present on both volume sets.

If you are going to create files in a new account on a new nonsystem volume set, you must first create the accounts and groups using system commands on both the system and nonsystem volume sets. If the files are to be built in an existing group and account the entries already exist on the system volume set. They only need to be modified and have appropriate entries built on the target UV set.

The system is designed to gain access to accounts through the system volume set, even though the accounts exist on the nonsystem volume set. Therefore, entries must be made in two directories (system and nonsystem directory), and two NEWACCT commands are necessary. The directory structures created on the system volume set and the nonsystem volume set are parallel. Account structure parameters must be used with the system commands to keep the directory structures consistent. Accounts may exist on different volume sets and groups in an account can be split across different volume sets. For example, PUB.MANUF on system volume set and PROD.MANUF on PROD_SET.

NOTE: Files residing on nonsystem volume sets must have directory entries on the system and nonsystem volume set. Files residing on the system volume set do not need directory entries on nonsystem volume sets.

Refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual Volumes 1 and 2 (32650-90003 and 32650-90364) for a detailed description of this command.

Example: Creating an Account

This example shows how to create an account on a nonsystem volume set.

  1. Use the REPORT command to find out whether the account, ORDERS, exists on the nonsystem volume set, PROD_SET.

  2. The ORDERS account does not exist on PROD_SET (you should also have checked previously to make sure the ORDERS account does not exist on the system volume set). At the system prompt, create the account, ORDERS, on the system volume set with the user capabilities AM, SF, ND, CS, PH, IA, BA, UV and CV. Refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual Volumes 1 and 2 (32650-90003 and 32650-90364) for a detailed description of user capabilities.


    Figure 3-1 Creating the Account on the System Volume

    [Creating the Account on the System Volume]
  3. Next create the same account on the nonsystem volume set PROD_SET, using NEWACCT with ONVS. ONVS tells the system to create the directory entry on the PROD_SET volume set.


Figure 3-2 Creating the Account on the Nonsystem Volume

[Creating the Account on the Nonsystem Volume]