HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using Volume Management

Adding Volumes to a Class


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To add a volume to an existing class on a system or nonsystem volume set, use the EXPANDCLASS command. Refer to chapter 5 for more information on this command.

Example: Adding a Volume to a Class

This example shows how to add two volumes to an existing class.

  1. To add two member volumes to the existing volume class, ENGR, use the following command at the VOLUTIL prompt.

  2. Verify that the volumes have been added to the class by using the SHOWCLASS command:

       Volume name:        State:    ldev:     Type:     Path:
       - - - - - -         - - -     - - -     - - -     - - -
       MEMBER1             MASTER    11        079330    8.0.4
       MEMBER2             MEMBER    12        079330    8.0.5

    This screen shows that the volumes have been added.

Once volume members have been added to a volume class, the system recognizes them, and they are available for use.

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