HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using Volume Management

Creating a Nonsystem Volume Set


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A nonsystem volume set is created by initializing the master volume of the set by using the VOLUTIL NEWSET command. You cannot create a system volume set. Only one system volume set is supported on the system and that volume set, MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET, is created automatically at system initialization. Once a volume set is created by creating the master volume, the system recognizes the volume set and the volume is ready for use.

NOTE: The new volume must be mounted in the SCRATCH or UNKNOWN state.

Example: Creating a Nonsystem Volume Set

The following example shows how to create a nonsystem volume set.

  1. Invoke VOLUTIL from the system prompt.

  2. At the VOLUTIL prompt, use the DSTAT command to determine what volumes can be initialized.

       volutil: :DSTAT
       _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
       10-07937   UNKNOWN
       11-07937   LONER
       12-07937   SCRATCH
  3. Create the nonsystem volume set, PROD_SET, using the VOLUTIL NEWSET command. Refer to chapter 5 for more information on this command.

    If you do not specify a volume class, the default class DISC will be assigned to the volume set.

    Volume names can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length. The first character of the name must be alphabetic.

       volutil: NEWSET PROD_SET MEMBER1 10
  4. The system responds with a question asking you to verify whether the information you input was correct. When you respond Y followed by Enter, the system displays process information.

  5. After you create a nonsystem volume set, use the DSTAT command to verify that the volume set was created.

      volutil: :DSTAT
      _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
      10-07937   MASTER     MEMBER1 (PROD_SET-0)
      11-07937   LONER
      12-07937   SCRATCH
    CAUTION: Make sure you see the message verifying that the volume was initialized correctly. Any error that occurs during initialization means that the volume must be reinitialized.

    The name of the volume set is PROD_SET. Do not include the "-0" when asked to input the volume set name. The "-0" is the generation number (GEN) displayed under the heading (VOLUME SET - GEN) in the DSTAT screen.

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