HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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In addition to the commands described in Section III, EDIT/3000 allows you to use seven advanced commands, as follows:


The BEGIN command is used as the first expression in a BEGIN-END pair to delimit a compound command.


Terminates a BEGIN-END pair.


Reverses the normal control, or "flag", within a BEGIN-END pair for execution of the next command.


In a BEGIN-END pair, the OR command resets the flag to true if it is false, or skips the OR command and the following command if the flag is true.


Calls a logical procedure written previously and stored in a segmented library (SL) for execution by EDIT/3000.


Causes EDIT/3000 to repeat the next two expressions (or one if a flag is declared) until the first expression fails (the flag is set to false) or until the SET TIME limit is exceeded.


Restores normal control within a BEGIN-END pair (resets the flag to true).

When the advanced commands are used in a logical sequence with the basic EDIT/3000 commands, they form command blocks with recursive properties. In addition, logical procedures can be written in SPL/3000 (Systems Programming Language for the HP 3000 Computer System) or FORTRAN/3000, and these procedures can be called for execution with the PROCEDURE command.

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