HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 EDIT/3000 COMMANDS



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3-21. Purpose.

The DELETE command is used to delete lines and/or character strings from the WORK file.

3-22. Form.

The form of the DELETE command is

    D[ELETE][Q] [rangelist]

For example,

    DELETEQ 1/10

3-23. Description.

The DELETE command will delete complete lines, specific character strings from a line, or the entire contents of the WORK file. If no rangelist is specified, EDIT/3000 deletes the line in which the pointer is located. A rangelist that specifies a startline/stopline pair deletes these lines and all lines in between. A rangelist that specifies a startline,stopline pair deletes only these two lines. A rangelist that specifies positions within lines, separated by a slash, results in the deletion of all characters contained between these two columns, including any lines that fall between the two positions.

When the DELETEQ form of the command is used,EDIT/3000 does not display the lines deleted. Instead, a message is displayed showing the number of lines deleted. For example,

   /S SHORT;T EDIT3;DQ 1/4




In interactive session, you may terminate an active DELETE command at any time by typing CONTROL Y on the terminal.

3-24. Limitations.

WORK file contents removed with a DELETE command are lost. When a DELETE ALL command is entered (deleting the entire WORK file), EDIT/3000 will ask if it is OK to clear, thus confirming your intent.

NOTE: EDIT/3000 does not list the lines removed when the DELETE ALL command is used.

The DELETE command operates between LEFT and RIGHT margin values unless the rangelist specifies lines (without column numbers). In this case, entire lines are deleted, and the DELETE command ignores SET LEFT and SET RIGHT commands. See paragraph 3-92 for a discussion of the SET command.

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