HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 EDIT/3000 COMMANDS



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To help clarify the command descriptions presented in this manual, the following rules are observed:

  • Optional command spelling and parameters in the form shown for a command are denoted by being enclosed in brackets [ ].

  • Required parameters for a command are shown enclosed in braces { }. If two or more parameters are enclosed within the same set of braces, as, for example,


    then one (and only one) of the parameters must be specified.

The following common items apply to all EDIT/3000 commands:

  • Command names may be entered using uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, the ADD command can be entered as add.

  • The first letter of a command name may be used instead of the complete command name, except in the case of the COPY command, which requires CO to prevent conflict with C[HANGE]. For example, you may use A (or a) for ADD, L (or L) for LIST. Command parameters, however, must be spelled out in full, unless specified otherwise in the command description. For example, you can use A, HOLD, NOW to abbreviate the ADD command, but you may not use A, H, N, because those parameters may not be abbreviated.

  • Blank characters are denoted by the letter b where necessary for clarity.

  • An asterisk ( * ) can be used with some commands to signify the current location of the EDIT/3000 pointer. (This pointer is set and incremented by EDIT/3000 to monitor the edit cycle and to show where in the WORK file any change requested at this time will begin.) For example, a LIST* command immediately following an ADD command will list the last record entered with the ADD command.

  • The letter Q (to specify QUIET, or no prompting) may not be separated from the command name with a blank.

Command descriptions are presented in alphabetical order. The advanced commands BEGIN, NOT, OR, PROCEDURE, WHILE, and YES are not included in this section. See Section IV for these commands.

Parameters used in the command descriptions have the same meanings wherever they appear. These meanings are described in the following paragraphs.

NOTE: For ease of reference (and so that you do not have to keep turning back to these pages), abbreviated parameter descriptions are provided at the end of this section.

any integer from column number 1 through the column number established by the SET RIGHT and SET LENGTH = colnum options in effect.


the MPE/3000 file name of any file that you can access. See the MPE Commands Reference Manual for a discussion of files. A file equation may be back-referenced by placing an asterisk in front of the file designator.


the value by which line numbers are incremented. The value is from .001 through 99999.999 when SET FORMAT = DEFAULT or from .001 through 999.999 when SET FORMAT = COBOL. How- ever, the line 99999.999 cannot contain any text when FORMAT = DEFAULT is in effect and the line 999.999 cannot contain text if FORMAT = COBOL.


an integer in the range from 1 through 99999 when SET FORMAT = DEFAULT or from 1 through 999 when SET FORMAT = COBOL.


an integer from 1 through 9999.


the value assigned to line numbers. The value is from .001 through 99999.999 when SET FORMAT = DEFAULT or from .001 through 999.999 when SET FORMAT = COBOL. As noted above, the line 99999.999 or 999.999, as applicable, cannot contain any text.


a character string that replaces oldstring.


a character string to be replaced in the WORK file.


position is specified in an EDIT/3000 command as follows:


line 36.


column number 10 in line 36. This represents the absolute column number 10. Absolute column numbers are enclosed in parentheses and do not include a sign.


the 11th (not 10th) non-blank character in line 36. This represents the 10th non-blank position after column 1, or the relative column number 10 which is the 11th non-blank column in line 36. Relative column numbers are enclosed in parentheses and include a sign.


the 10th line after line 36.

36 -10

the 10th line before line 36.

36 (FIRST)

the first non-blank character in line 36.

36(FIRST +6)

the sixth character in line 36, starting with the first non-blank character in line 36.


the last non-blank character in line 36.

36(LAST -6)

the sixth to last character in line 36, starting with the last non-blank character in line 36.

36(RIGHT -2)

the position in line 36 which is two columns before the right margin.


first line.


last line.


the 10th line after the first line.

LAST -10

the 10th line before the last line.


the 15th non-blank character after the first character in ARRAY.


the last non-blank character in the current line.


the fifth to last non-blank character in the last line.

"AND" (2)

column number 2 of the next line that contains the string "AND."


range may reference: 1) a single position in a record, 2) a continuous string of positions, 3) a single record (line), 4) a continuous string of records, 5) a character, or 6) a string of characters. For example,


a range of column 10 in line 36 only.


lines 36 through 45.


a range from column 10 in line 36 through column 9 in line 45.


a range from the llth non-blank character in line 36 through the 9th column in line 45.

36+10/65 -9

a range from the 10th line after line 36 through the 9th line before line 65.

5+3(15)/23 -6(45)

a range from column 15 of the 3rd line after line 5 through column 45 of the 6th line before line 23.


a range of line 16 only.


all lines in the WORK file.


a range of the character A only.


a range of the string ALL only.


a range of the string ARE only.


a range from the first character of the next appearance in the WORK file of the string ARE through the last character of the next appearance of the string POSSIBLE. Note that if the last position in a range is a string, range includes the last character of that string.


one or more ranges. For example, 10/20,23/46 signifies two ranges, one consisting of lines 10 through 20 and one consisting of lines 23 through 46; "WRITE"/"READ","KEY"/"NOW" signifies two ranges, one starting with the first character of WRITE and extending through the next appearance of READ and one starting with the first character of KEY and extending through the next appearance of NOW.


a logical record number contained in a file referenced by filename. The first record is number 0. See the MPE Commands Reference Manual for a discussion of logical record numbers.


the starting column number of a portion of a record. This may be any number within the LEFT-RIGHT margins (see the SET command, paragraph 3-92) or an expression of the form FIRST +/- n, LAST +/- n, LEFT +n, or RIGHT -n, whose value is within these margins.


the first line of a group of lines.


the ending column number of a portion of a record. This may be any number as described above for start column.


the last line of a group of lines.


a group of characters written exactly as it appears or is to appear. A string must be delimited by (enclosed in) any special (non-alphanumeric) characters except: apostrophes, commas, semicolons, periods, parentheses, asterisks, slashes. As noted in paragraph 3-6, #, +, -, and = should not be used as delimiters when advanced commands are also used. For example,



Nonprinting characters can appear outside the string, if represented by their decimal numeric equivalent (in ASCII code) and preceded by apostrophes ( ' ). For example,

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