HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 OPERATING EDIT/3000



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To initiate an interactive session

  1. Turn the terminal on.

  2. Dial the HP 3000 computer system (if the terminal is connected over switched telephone lines).

  3. Press the RETURN key (or equivalent) to produce a prompt character (:).

  4. Enter the MPE/3000 :HELLO command.

The :HELLO command has the form

   :HELLO    [sessionname,]username[/userpass].acctname[/acctpass]

          [,groupname[/grouppass] ]









          [                   ]

NOTE: Throughout this manual, optional parameters are shown enclosed in brackets [ ]. Required parameters are shown enclosed in braces { }.



is an arbitrary name used in conjunction with username parameters to form a session identity. The para- meter contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter. Default: no session name is assigned.


is the user's name, established by the Account Manager, which allows you to log on under this account. The parameter contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter. (REQUIRED PARA- METER)


is the user's password, optionally assigned by the Account Manager. It contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter.


is the name of the account, as established by the Account Manager. It contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter. The acctname parameter must be preceded by a period. (REQUIRED PARAMETER)


is the account password, optionally assigned by the System Manager. It contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter.


is the name of the group to be used for the local file domain and CPU time charges. The parameter groupname is established by the Account Manager and contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter. Default: the home group if one is assigned by the Account Manager. (Optional if the user has a home group required if a home group is not assigned.)


is the group password, optionally assigned by the Account Manager. It contains from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter. (Required if assigned and the user is logging on under other than the home group, not required if the user is logging on under the home group.)


is the type of terminal used for input. MPE uses this parameter to determine device-dependent characteristics such as delay factors for carriage returns. This parameter must be a number from 0 to 16; the number meanings are shown below:

  • 0 = HP 2749B ASR 33 EIA-compatible Terminal (10 characters per second (cps)).

  • 1 = ASR 37 Teleprinter Terminal with Paper Tape Reader/Punch (10 cps).

  • 2 = ASR 35 EIA-compatible Terminal (10 cps).

  • 3 = Execuport 300 Data Communications Transceiver Terminal (10, 15, 30 cps).

  • 4 = HP 2600A or DATAPOINT 3300 Keyboard Display Terminal (10-240 cps).

  • 5 = Memorex 1240 Communication Terminal (10,15, 30, 60 cps). Note: must have even parity-checking option.

  • 6 = HP 2762A/B (GE Terminet 300 or 1200) or Data Communications Terminal Model B (10,15, 30,120 cps) with Paper Tape Reader/Punch, Option 2. Note: This terminal must be equipped for ECHO PLEX.

  • 9 = HP 2615A Terminal (Beehive MiniBee) (10-240 cps).

  • 10 = HP 264OA/B, HP 2641A, HP 2644A or HP 2645A Interactive Display Terminal (character mode or full program control of block mode transmission) (10-240 cps).

  • 11 = HP 264OA/B, HP 2641A, HP 2644A or HP 2645A Interactive Display Terminal (block mode without program control) (10-240 cps).

  • 12 = HP 2645K Katakana/Roman Data Terminal.

  • 13 = Message switching network or other computer.

  • 14 = Multipoint Terminal.

  • 15 = HP 2635A Printing Terminal. 8-bit protocol (for second character set).

  • 16 = HP 2635A Printing Terminal. 7-bit protocol (standard character set).

If the termtype parameter is omitted, a default is assigned according to the termtype configured for that input-output port. Default: For hardwired terminals, the default is determined by the System Supervisor during system configuration. There is no default for terminals that are not hardwired, (Required parameter to insure correct listings if the terminal is not hardwired or if the terminal is not the default termtype.)


is the maximum CPU time that a session can use, entered in seconds; it must be a value from 1 to 32767. When the limit is reached, the session is aborted. To specify no limit, enter a question mark (?) or omit the parameter. Default: no limit.


is the execution priority class. BS is the highest priority, ES is the lowest. If a priority is specified that exceeds the highest permitted by the system for the account or user name, MPE assigns the highest priority possible below BS. Default: CS.

NOTE: DS and ES are used primarily for batch jobs; their use for sessions is discouraged.

is the relative input priority used in checking against access restrictions imposed by the jobfence, if one exists; it takes effect at log-on time. This parameter must be a value from 1 (lowest priority) to 13 (highest priority). If a value is specified that is less than or equal to the current jobfence set by the Console Operator, the session is denied access. Default: 8.


is the request for maximum session-selection input priority, causing the session to be scheduled regardless of current jobfence or execution limit for sessions. This parameter can be specified only by users with System Manager or System Supervisor Capability. Default: the current jobfence and execution limit.

For a more detailed description of the :HELLO command, see the MPE Commands Reference Manual.

An example of the :HELLO command, using only the (required) parameters username.acctname, is as follows:

            :HELLO MANAGER.SCR

            HP3000 / MPE III B.01.02. TUE, JUN 3, 1980, 1:49 PM

                    (Displayed on the terminal by  MPE/3000)

Note that the acctname parameter is preceded by a period. This is the required form for this parameter (see the form example).

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