HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Introducing EDIT/3000

1-11. USE FILE


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The USE file is an external user file containing EDIT/3000 commands (and, optionally, text records) which is called with a USE command (see Section III).

When a USE command is entered, EDIT/3000 reads all commands from the USE file. Any messages from EDIT/3000 are sent to the OUTPUT file, as are requests for text records. Text records then are entered through the INPUT file. (It also is possible, however, to specify that all information, including text records, will be found in the USE file.)

USE files may be nested (for example, a USE file may call another USE file) to perform complicated editing functions.

NOTE: Since files are constantly being created and copied while using EDIT/3000, it is possible that the File System might not be able to allocate the disc space needed for a particular operation. There are two possible reasons why this might occur: (1) the system has used up all its disc space, or (2) the disc space allowed for the file's group or account is used up. In the latter case, you will want to either ask users to store and purge files in that group or account, or ask your system manager to increase the disc space limits set for that group or account.
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