HPlogo SORT-MERGE/XL Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Getting SORT-MERGE/XL Information

Example of Getting Sort/Merge Statistics


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Using the statistics parameter in the HPSORTINIT and HPSORTEND intrinsics, and calling HPSORTSTAT from the core sorting routine example in Title not available, results in the following output:


   *****************   STATISTICS *******************


    Number of records sorted =                       8

    Number of intermediate passes =                  0

    Number of bytes used for the sort work area =    27831

    Number of comparisons =                          6

    CPU time used (in millisecond) =                 45

    Elapsed time (in millisecond) =                  241

Using the statistics parameter in the HPMERGEINIT and HPMERGEEND intrinsics, and calling HPMERGESTAT from the core merging routine example in Chapter 2, results in the following output:


   *****************   STATISTICS *******************


    Number of inputfiles =                           2

    Number of merged records =                       8

    Number of bytes used for the sort work area =    27794

    CPU time used (in millisecond) =                 46

    Elapsed time (in millisecond) =                  843
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