HPlogo SORT-MERGE/XL Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Creating Core Routines That Sort and Merge

Example of Core Merging Routine


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The following program merges the personnel files shown at the beginning of the previous example. The input files are already sorted by employee number.

In this example, the files are merged by employee number. The record size is determined by the input files. The status parameter is checked after the calls to HPMERGEINIT and HPMERGEEND.

Example 2-2. MERGEFILE Program

   program MERGEFILE (input,output);

   {This program reads the files, TEMPEMP and PERMEMP, merges}

   {them by employee number, and outputs to the file, ALLEMP }


      tempFileNum: INTEGER;

      permFileNum: INTEGER;

      outFileNum : INTEGER;

      status     : INTEGER;

   procedure HPFOPEN  ; intrinsic;

   procedure HPMERGEINIT; intrinsic;

   procedure HPMERGEERRORMESS; intrinsic;

   procedure HPMERGEEND; intrinsic;

   procedure FCLOSE; intrinsic;

   procedure OPEN_FILES;


      designator  = 2;

      domain      = 3;

      access      = 11;

      record_size = 19;


      tempFile  : packed array [1..10] of CHAR;

      permFile  : packed array [1..10] of CHAR;

      outFile   : packed array [1..10] of CHAR;

      permanent : INTEGER;

      new       : INTEGER;

      write     : INTEGER;

      size      : INTEGER;

      tempFile := '%TEMPEMP%';

      permanent := 1;

      HPFOPEN (tempFileNum, status, designator, tempFile, domain, permanent) ;

      permFile := '%PERMEMP%';

      HPFOPEN (permFileNum, status, designator, permFile, domain, permanent) ;

      new := 4;

      write := 1;

      size := 80;

      outFile := '%ALLEMP%';

      HPFOPEN (oOutFileNum, status, designator, outFile, domain, new, access,

               write, record_size, size);


   procedure DO_MERGE;


      inputfiles   : array [1..3] of INTEGER;

      outputfile   : array [1..2] of INTEGER;

      keysonly     : INTEGER;

      numKeys      : INTEGER;

      keys         : array [1..4] of INTEGER;

      altseq       : packed array [1..2] of CHAR;

      message      : packed array [1..80] of CHAR;

      length       : INTEGER;


      inputfiles [1] := tempFileNum;

      inputfiles [2] := permFileNum;

      inputfiles [3] := 0;

      outputfile [1] := outFileNum;                                 {from HPFOPEN}

      outputfile [2] := 0;

      keysonly := 0;           {output record format same as input record format }

      numKeys := 1;                                                      {one key}

      keys[1] := 41;                                                  {key begins}

      keys[2] := 20;                                                  {key length}

      keys[3] := 0;                                                    {byte data}

      keys[4] := 0;                                              {ascending order}

      altseq[1] := CHR(255);                      {data = ASCII; sequence = ASCII}

      altseq[2] := CHR(255);                             {256 characters in ASCII}

      HPMERGEINIT (status, inputfiles,, outputfile,, keysonly, numKeys, keys,


      if status <> 0 then                    {if error in HPMERGEINIT           }

      begin                                  {get message and print it to screen}

         message := ' ';

         HPMERGEERRORMESS (status, message, length);

         writeln (Message);


      HPMERGEEND (status, statistics);

      if status <> 0 then                    {if error in HPMERGEEND            }

      begin                                  {get message and print it to screen}

         message := ' ';

         HPMERGEERRORMESS (status, message, length);

         writeln (message)



   procedure CLOSE_FILES;


      disposition : SHORTINT;

      securityCode : SHORTINT;


      disposition := 0;

      securityCode := 0;

      FCLOSE (tempFileNum, disposition, securityCode);

      FCLOSE (permFileNum, disposition, securityCode);

      disposition := 1;

      FCLOSE (outFileNum, disposition, securityCode);


   begin {main}





When this program is executed, the output is written to ALLEMP. To view ALLEMP:

   :print allemp

   Jones,              Eliza               000001              06/06/87

   Gangley,            Tomas               000003              06/06/87

   Smith,              James               000005              06/06/87

   Jackson,            Jonathan            000006              06/06/87

   Rields,             Evelyn              000007              07/12/87

   Washington,         Lois                000014              07/23/87

   Jackson,            Rosa                000022              08/15/87

   Everett,            Joyce               000029              10/19/87

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