HPlogo Process Management Programmer's Guide: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems

Chapter 4 Managing a Session Programmatically


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This chapter describes how your program can exercise a limited form of control over interactive sessions on an MPE/iX-based computer system. Because an interactive session (or a job) is a process created and managed by the system, a user is restricted from being able to use process management intrinsics to create, manage, and delete sessions.

MPE/iX provides you with two intrinsics that enable you to direct the system to create a session on a specified terminal, then abort the session when desired:

  • "Creating a Session Programmatically", describes how your program can use the STARTSESS intrinsic to create a session for yourself, or for other users, on an available (not currently assigned to a session) terminal without having to be at the specified terminal.

  • "Aborting a Session Programmatically", describes how your program can use the ABORTSESS intrinsic to remove (abort) an interactive session from your system.

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