HPlogo Process Management Programmer's Guide: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Processes and Process Management

Managing a Session Programmatically


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Normally, if you wish to create a session for yourself, you must be at a terminal and log on to the system by entering the :HELLO command, then pressing RETURN . A message is sent to the system SESSION process. SESSION directs a system JSMAIN process to allocate and initialize session resources for the new session. JSMAIN then create and activates a CI process.

Likewise, when you wish to exit the interactive session, you must be at the terminal and log off by entering the :BYE command at the colon prompt, then pressing RETURN. This action directs MPE/iX to delete your sessions from the system.

Because an interactive session is managed by the system, your program cannot use PH intrinsics to create, activate, and delete an interactive session. Instead, MPE/iX provides you with two additional intrinsics that allow you a very limited form of programmatic control over an interactive session:

  • The STARTSESS intrinsic enables your program to create a session for yourself, or for other users, on an available (not currently assigned to a session) terminal without having to be at the specified terminal(s). Your SM or AM must assign the Programmatic Sessions (PS) capability to any user who plans to run a program that calls the STARTSESS intrinsic.

  • The ABORTSESS intrinsic enables your program to remove (abort) an interactive session from your system.

A discussion on how you use STARTSESS and ABORTSESS to manage interactive sessions can be found in Chapter 4, "Managing a Session Programmatically".

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