HPlogo Message Catalogs:Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Accessing System Error Messages



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You are allowed to output the messages from the MPE operating system to use in your own manner, from your own applications. You should only use the System Error Messages if you have a particular reason for doing so. Otherwise, you should create your own message catalog. Using the HPFOPEN, GENMESSAGE, and FCLOSE intrinsics, you access CATALOG.PUB.SYS, the Compatibility Mode error messages. The catalog intrinsics, CATOPEN, CATREAD, and CATCLOSE, access SYSCAT.PUB.SYS, the Native Mode error message catalog.

Messages are identified by message and set numbers. Up to five paramters can be substituted in messages at run time. Messages may be output to a file or a buffer.

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