HPlogo FCOPY Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 FCOPY Functions



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Copies the data file of a KSAM V/E or CM KSAM file into another, non-KSAM file. This option is not valid for KSAM XL files.



File Attributes

The fromfile must be a KSAM V/E or CM KSAM file. The tofile cannot be a new KSAM file.


Use the NOUSERLABELS option together with NOKSAM to prevent FCOPY from copying KSAM user labels.


You cannot use NOKSAM with the KEY function.


NOKSAM is not recognized by systems that do not contain the KSAM subsystem.

For a complete description of KSAM V/E and CM KSAM files and how they operate with FCOPY, refer to the KSAM/3000 Reference Manual (30000-90079).


The command below copies all records in the data file of KSAMFILE, in order, into FILEX:


The command below lists all deleted records, that is, records with the octal number 377 in column 1, in the KSAM file KSAMEX on the standard list device.

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