HPlogo FCOPY Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using FCOPY

Issuing an FCOPY Command


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You can issue an FCOPY command directly from MPE, or you can enter the FCOPY subsystem and issue one or more commands before returning to MPE.

Using FCOPY from MPE

You can issue a single FCOPY command directly from MPE using either the RUN or FCOPY command. If you use the RUN command, include FROM, TO, and any functions you want in the INFO=" " parameter. For example:


When you use the FCOPY command, you list FROM, TO, and any functions you want after the command. For example:


The FCOPY Subsystem

To enter the FCOPY subsystem, type RUN FCOPY.PUB.SYS in response to the MPE prompt. For example,


Or you can simply type FCOPY. The FCOPY subsystem then prompts you for commands with a greater-than symbol (>).

Once you are in the FCOPY subsystem, you can issue one or more commands before returning to MPE. Within the FCOPY subsystem, an FCOPY command consists of the FROM and TO parameters and any functions that you want to perform. For example,


Exiting FCOPY

To leave the FCOPY subsystem, type EXIT, or E, in response to the FCOPY prompt. For example,


Interrupting FCOPY

You can temporarily leave the FCOPY subsystem and return to MPE by pressing the BREAK key. When you see the MPE colon prompt (:), you can enter any MPE command that does not create another process. Use the RESUME command to return to the FCOPY subsystem, or use the ABORT command to terminate FCOPY.

MPE Commands

From the FCOPY subsystem, you can issue any MPE command that does not create another process. To do so, type a colon immediately after the FCOPY prompt, and then type the MPE command. This feature of FCOPY is handy when you wish to use the FILE command to define the files you intend to copy. For example,



Using FCOPY in a Job

You can use the MPE STREAM command to create jobs that contain FCOPY commands. Follow the instructions for streaming jobs in the MPE V/E Commands Reference Manual (32033-90006) or the MPE XL Commands Reference Manual (32650-90003). Your job input file may contain MPE FCOPY commands, FCOPY subsystem commands, or both. Be sure to provide a substitute character (usually an exclamation point) for the MPE command prompt. Do not enter FCOPY prompts. For example,









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