HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Advanced Forms Design

Processing Specifications For Field Edits


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If only field editing is needed, the edit statements listed below provide full field edits. Edit statements apply to the current field only. During table and range checks leading and trailing blanks are stripped. (The current field is the field defined in the Field Menu in which the edit statements are specified.)

Edit Statements

The FORMSPEC edit statements allow you to check whether the value of the current field:

  • is at least a specified minimum length; refer to "Length Check" for the MINLEN command.

  • is greater than, equal to, or less than a specified value; refer to "Single Value Comparisons" for the GT, GE, LT, LE, EQ, and NE commands.

  • is one of a list (table) of values, or is not in the list; refer to "Table Checks" for the IN and NIN commands.

  • is within a range of specified values; refer to "Range Checks" for the IN and NIN commands.

  • has a valid check digit; refer to "Check Digit" for the CDIGIT command.

  • matches a general pattern of characters; refer to "Pattern Match" for the MATCH command.

Edit statements use the set of statements listed in Table 4-1 “Summary of Processing Statements” They are performed in the order they are entered by the forms designer. As soon as an edit fails during execution, the field is marked in error and further processing on that field is abandoned.

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