HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix G TERMINAL INFORMATION



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VPLUS runs on the HP 2 39X and the HP 150 terminals without any special action by you (without specifying the HP262X, HP239X Families on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu) except in the special cases noted in the following paragraphs.

To use X.25 block mode via a PAD interface, available with all HP 239X and HP 150 terminals, the transmit and receive pacing must be set correctly and the terminal must be strapped correctly. (The HP 239X and HP 150 terminals always have the correct ROMS.) Also, the correct terminal type must be used when logging on to the terminal. For more detailed information, refer to the DSN/X.25 HP 3000 Reference Manual.

HP 2392A Terminal

To utilize the security display enhancement feature of the HP 2392A, you must specify the HP262X, HP239X Families on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu.

HP 2393A Terminal

To utilize the security display enhancement feature of the HP 2393A, you must specify the HP262X, HP239X Families on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu.

HP 2394A Terminal

To utilize the local edits and security display enhancement features of the HP 2394A, you must specify the HP262X, HP239X Families on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu

This terminal also has the capability of storing as many as 255 forms locally in terminal memory depending on the size of the forms and the memory available. Use of this feature is activated and controlled by the VPLUS intrinsics and comarea items as discussed in Section 6.

HP 2397A Terminal

To utilize the color display enhancement feature of the HP 2397A, you must specify both HP262X, HP239X Families and HP2627, HP2397A on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu.

HP 150 Terminal (Obsolete)

To utilize the security display enhancement feature of the HP 150, you must specify the HP262X, HP239X Families on FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu.

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