HPlogo Configuring Systems for Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Automatic Configuration of DTCs

Performing an Automatic Configuration Outside NMMGR


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Automatic configuration is done via a command file called DTCCNTRL which allows you to manage DTS configurations. DTCCNTRL requires that you have a minimum of Network Manager (NM) capability.

To perform an automatic configuration, you must still provide the DTC's LAN address. Also, all serial ports configured via automatic configuration using DTCCNTRL will be configured as nailed, direct connect terminal ports using the terminal profile TR10AUTO. You can modify the default profile characteristics associated with TR10AUTO using NMMGR, if needed, to match your special requirements. If you want to change the profile, run NMMGR first before invoking DTCCNTRL. Refer to Host-Based Terminal Profiles table in Chapter 7 “Terminal and Printer Profiles” for more information on TR10AUTO profile characteristics.

You can only perform automatic configuration of new DTCs if you are operating in a host-based management environment. In a PC-based environment, DTCCNTRL will report an error when the command is invoked.

When automatic configuration is invoked, a default configuration is created in the NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS file. The default configuration will be saved with DTC name as DTCxxxx where "xxxx" is the last 4 digits of the LAN address.

Follow the steps listed here to automatically add a DTC to DTS:

  1. Turn the DTC's power on.

  2. Invoke DTCCNTRL at the CI prompt either without specifying the desired automatic configuration operation or by specifying it using the syntax outlined below:

    • Automatic configuration operation not specified:





      dynamically implement DTS changes made in NMMGR


      view status of last DTS dynamic configuration


      automatically add a new DTC


      shutdown DTS subsystem


      restart DTS subsystem


      manage/dynamically configure host-based x.25


      For help on these topics, select 7 at the prompt below
      Select one of the numbers above corresponding to the desired operation: 3

    • Automatic configuration operation specified:

      :DTCCNTRL func=autoconf

  3. The following prompt will appear:

    ****Make sure your DTC is turned on NOW****

    Enter the DTC LAN address in the format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or press RETURN to exit:

    First, make sure that the DTC's power has been turned on. Then, enter the LAN address of the DTC to be configured. The LAN address can be found on a label inside the front cover or on the back panel of the actual DTC box. Note that the LAN address is different from the IP address which is discussed in step 5 below.

  4. DTCCNTRL will create a default DTC node name structured as DTCxxxx.domain.organization, where xxxx are the last four digits of the DTC's LAN address and domain.organization are taken from the host's node name.

    At the prompt "The default DTC node name is DTCxxxx.domain.organization. Press RETURN to continue or enter the DTC node name to overwrite default:" press the [Return] key to continue or enter a different DTC node name to overwrite the default.

  5. At the prompt "Enter optional DTC IP address in the format of n.n.n.n or press RETURN to continue:" enter the optional DTC IP address or press the [Return] key to continue. The IP address is used if your HP 3000 is configured as part of a network and you want the DTC to be able to respond to PING/iX requests.

  6. The following will appear on the screen indicating successful DTC automatic configuration:

    DTCxxxx.domain.organization automatic configuration in progress.....

    (DTC download messages will appear here if you are at the system console.)

    DTCxxxx.domain.organization configured and downloaded successfully.

    All ports configured successfully.



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