HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 TermDSM Commands

T[RACE] X2[5]


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Specifies tracing for a particular VC on an X.25 card on a DTC 16, DTC 48, or DTC 72MX.

Security level: 2.


T[RACE] X2[5]


After the command is entered, the following prompt is printed on the terminal:

     (X25 trace)     TRACEON  #, #, #     TRACEOFf      (carriage return to exit) ?

TRACEON and TRACEOFF are subcommands that can be entered with the TRACE X25 command. The following pages describes these options.

When you specify tracing on an X.25 card, you will also be prompted to enter a file name for the trace file. You can specify the name of the file that will contain the trace information by entering a valid MPE file name. If you want to use the default trace file (X25TRACE.PUB.SYS), press return without specifying a file name.

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