HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 TermDSM Commands



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Specifies tracing on a selected asynchronous port of a DTC 72MX. TRACE TIO is not supported for ports on DTC 16s or DTC 48s.

Security level: 2




After the command is entered, the following prompt is printed on the terminal:

     (tio trace)     TRACEON   #, #, #     TRACEOFf  #, #     TRACEShow #     (carriage return to exit) ?

These are the subcommands that can then be entered. The following pages describes these options.

If you press [Return] instead of one of these subcommands, you will be returned to the TRACE main prompt and then may specify TRACE TIO or TRACE X25.

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