HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 TermDSM Commands



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Captures data pertaining to a specific logical device number and writes it to a disk file.

Security level: 2.


L[DEV] ldevnum



The logical device number associated with the device whose data you want to dump.


Information associated with the logical device number is dumped to a disk file. Since the ldev is also associated with a port, information pertaining to the port is also dumped. Therefore, if you have identified a terminal problem and dump information using the ldev subcommand, complete information about the terminal connection is dumped; there is no need to also use the PORT subcommand.

NOTE: Dumping information pertaining to a logical device number does not reset (or otherwise affect) the associated device. If you need to reset the device, use the RESET command.

When the dump is complete, the following information will be displayed:

     The dump file is TRMdddll.PUB.SYS

where ddd is the Julian day of the year and ll is a two-letter string in the range:

     AA, AB, AC, ..., BA, BB, BC, ..., ZZ 

This numbering system allows you to create many dump files in one day and to later know on what day each dump was created by simply looking at the file name.

The dump prompt is then repeated so that you may enter another dump subcommand.

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