HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 TermDSM Commands



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Determines if the hardware of a particular DTC is functioning properly.

Security level: 1.


SE[LFTEST] dtcnum



The number TermDSM associates with a particular DTC. The DTC command lists each DTC with its assigned number. This list is also printed when you make a mistake while typing in a DTC number.

CAUTION: This subcommand aborts all sessions on the DTC under test. Data for those sessions may be lost.


After entering the Selftest subcommand, the following is printed on the terminal:

     Warning: This will rest all users on that DTC. (TDSM 44)
Do you want to continue (yes/no)?

If you answer no to this question, you will be returned to the diagnostics prompt. If you answer yes, the following will be printed on the terminal:

     How many times do you want to repeat this operation? 

You should then enter how many times you want to run the DTC selftest. Enter a number between 1 and 65535. The following question is then printed on the terminal:

     Do you want to stop looping if an error is found (yes/no)? 

If you answer yes, the series of selftests will stop if an error is encountered. For example, you specified you want the selftest to run 10 times and an error is encountered in the third selftest. If you answered yes to this last question, the remaining seven selftests will not be run. If you answered no, all 10 selftests will be executed regardless of the results of each test. The following is then printed on the terminal:

     Each DTC self test can take several minutes. Enter a control-y
to stop the self test loop (the control-y will take effect when
the current self test finishes).

Anytime that you want to stop the diagnostic, press [CTRL]-Y. After the current loop has executed, the diagnostics prompt will appear and you may enter another subcommand.

The Selftest subcommand causes a complete DTC selftest to be run. This selftest includes the selftests for each of the interface cards within the DTC, and a download of the DTC across the LAN. Any jobs or sessions that are running on devices connected to the DTC are aborted.

NOTE: Each loop of the Selftest subcommand is functionally identical to the RESET DTC subcommand. The inclusion of both commands is for your convenience, and to provide looping capability in the event an intermittent hardware failure is suspected.

As each selftest completes, the results of each SIC selftest will be printed on the terminal. Below is a selftest print out for a DTC 48:

Card    SIC/SNP type     Card test status     Ports (G:good or x:bad) 5     (not installed) 4     (not installed) 3     X25 RS-232 Direct     OK                    GG 2     TIO RS-232 Direct     OK                    GGGG GGGG 1     TIO RS-232 Direct     OK                    GGGG GGGG 0     TIO RS-232 Modem      OK                    GGGG GGThe test passed       1 times and failed       0 times.

After all selftests complete, the DTC software is downloaded to the DTC so that users can again use devices connected to the DTC. You will receive messages to inform you of each download if you are running TermDSM from the console. You will then be returned to the diagnostics prompt.

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