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The STORE command is the MPE system backup utility. The SPLITVS option can be used to concurrently back up the files on a mirrored volume set onto a magnetic tape.

The STORE command accesses one part of the split set called the backup part, while the user part is still available for general usage. Users can read, write, create, or delete files on the user half of the volume set while the backup media is concurrently produced from the backup half. The media produced is a valid snapshot of the volume set at split time. The backup time can additionally be reduced by using the INTER and STORESET options.

Note that if the wildcard (@) file set specification is used for a split-volume set, different files may be stored depending on whether SPLITVS or ONVS is used. This is because files may have been created or purged on the user volumes after the volume set was split. The new state of the file set is stored if ONVS is used, and the old state if SPLITVS is used.

This command can be issued from a session, a job, or a program but not in BREAK. Pressing CTRLY suspends execution of this command.


Stores disk files to tape.


     STORE [filesetlist] [;[storefile] [;option[;...]]]









           [;FCRANGE=filecode / filecode[,...]]




           [; DATE[S]<=accdate]

           [; DATE[S]>=ddate]





Specifies a list or set of files to be stored. Default is @. The syntax is:

       filesetitem[,filesetitem] [...] [,filesetitem]

A file set or an indirect file name. An indirect filename is a file name that may be backreferenced to a disk file. This file can include both the file sets and options for the STORE command.


Specifies a set of files to be stored. All files that match filestostore are stored unless the file also matches a filesnottostore set. The syntax is:

filestostore [ -filesnottostore [...] [-filesnottostore] ]

where filestostore and filesnottostore are file designators. The maximum depth of negative file sets (filesnottostore) is nine.


Describes one or many files. Wildcards are permitted for any of the three parts. The syntax is:

      filedesig[.groupdesig[.acctdesig] ]

A lockword may also be provided for the filestostore. The syntax is:

      filedesig[/lockword][.groupdesig[.acctdesig] ]

Name of destination tape file onto which the stored files are to be written.

If storefile is not supplied and the STORESET option is not used, STORE creates a default file name. The default file name is the user's logon user name. No file equation is used.


Split volume set. Specifies that only files in the filesetlist that reside on the backup volumes belonging to the specified split-volume set are to be stored. The files may be concurrently in use while they are being stored, since users can only access files on the user volumes. The syntax is:

   ; SPLITVS = split_setname[,split_setname...]

A set name included for the ONVS option can not be specified for the SPLITVS option; however, SPLITVS and ONVS both can be used in the same STORE command with different volume set names. The SPLITVS option also provides the ability to restrict or enhance the creation of directory information on the STORE tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the SPLITVS option, only the accounting structures on the specified split-volume sets are stored.

The STORE command's syntax supports up to twenty volume sets.


A split-volume set name specified for the SPLITVS volume set can be mounted on the system at any time.


A split-volume set name specified for the SPLITVS option. This volume set must be a mirrored volume set that was split through VSCLOSE; SPLIT.


On volume set. Specifies that only files in the filesetlist that reside on the volume specified are to be stored. The syntax is:

   ;ONVS = volumesetname[,volumesetname...]

A set name included for the SPLITVS option cannot be specified for the ONVS option; however, ONVS and SPLITVS both can be used in the same STORE command with different volume set names. The ONVS option also provides the ability to restrict or enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the ONVS option, only those accounting structures on the specified volume sets are stored.

Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.


A volume set name specified for the ONVS option. This volume set may be a split-volume set; however, the files are stored from the user volumes, not the backup volumes. If the files are in use for writing, they are not stored.


Specifies that the file system directory is to be stored. Requires OP or SM capability. If the ONVS or SPLITVS option is not specified, then DIRECTORY defaults to dumping the system directory; otherwise, directories of the specified volume sets are dumped. This provides operators and system managers with a method of completely dumping or copying the account structure of nonsystem volume sets.

This option overrides default file sets.


only stores the directory account structure; it does not default to:


Also, the error reporting for directories occurs as follows:

If the accounting structure cannot be imaged for a particular volume set, the STORE fails immediately. If the accounting structure image is successfully created, that image is treated as a file except for summary accounting information. That is, if STORE incurs a disk read error on that image, the STORE continues, but that image is noted as having incurred an error.

Note that the directory image file is always created in temporary domain on the system volume set.


Specifies that an MPE V/E-compatible store tape is to be produced. This option is not valid with the SPLITVS, DYNAMIC, LOGONLY, STORESET, INTER, FCRANGE, or DIRECTORY options.


The PURGE option deletes the file set specified in filesetlist after STORE completes. This option is not valid with the SPLITVS option.

Other Options

None of the other options are affected by SPLITVS. For a detailed account of the other options, read the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual Volumes 1 and 2 (32650-90003 and 32650-90364).

STORE Tape Compatibility

The STORE tape format used by split-volume backup is identical with current STORE tapes. The tape may be interleaved (as generated by the INTER option) or noninterleaved. Consecutive tape drives may also be used.

NOTE: Since the STORE TRANSPORT option is not supported, a split-volume backup tape can only be restored on a Series 900 system.


This example shows how to store the files on a split-volume set called SPLIT_SET_A:


ONVS Example

This example shows how to store the files on VOLUME_SET_A.


STORE Example

This example shows how to back up all of the files on a split-volume set along with the correct directory account structure.

A mirrored volume set MIRROR_SET is closed, split, and then mounted in a split state. The following command backs up all of the files on a split-volume set, along with its directory account structure:

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