HPlogo SNA IMF Programmer's Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Preface



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This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendixes:

Chapter 1 “Introducing SNA IMF” gives an overview of SNA IMF, its capabilities, and its operating environment, including software and hardware requirements.

Chapter 2 “Using SNA IMF Intrinsics” explains how to use SNA IMF intrinsics to communicate programmatically with applications on a remote host.

Chapter 3 “Intrinsics Used with Standard MPE I/O” describes the SNA IMF intrinsics that are used with standard (wait) I/O.

Chapter 4 “Intrinsics Used with No-Wait I/O” explains how and when to use no-wait I/O, and it describes the SNA IMF intrinsics that are used with no-wait I/O.

Appendix A “Intrinsic Result Codes” Intrinsic Result Codes, lists all the result codes that can be returned by SNA IMF intrinsics, describes their probable causes, and recommends the actions you should take to resolve problems.

Appendix B “SNA Character String (SCS) Support” describes SCS control codes and support for LU.T1 printers.

Appendix C “3270 Bit Assignment and Character Translation Tables” provides bit assignments for 3270 field attribute characters and write control characters (WCC); lists the Attention ID codes generated by SNA IMF; gives the command codes for the IBM cluster controller; supplies 3270 buffer control orders; and discusses character sets, character translation tables, and Native Language Support.

Appendix D “Differences Between IMF/3000 and SNA IMF/V” compares the similarities and differences between the two IMF products. This appendix is useful if you are migrating from the IMF/3000 product to SNA IMF/V.

Appendix E “HP and IBM Differences in DBCS Implementation” describes how HP and IBM differ in their implementation of Asian Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS).

Appendix F “Sample Programs” gives examples of programs that call SNA IMF intrinsics in transparent and non-transparent modes.

Appendix G “Migrating Applications from SNA IMF/V to SNA IMF/XL” describes the changes that must be made to an SNA IMF/V application before it will run on SNA IMF/XL.

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