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Initiates a workstation or LUs.


                BA       I        BA        I          IA     
 NRJEStartWS ( Wsid, ChainSize, LUNames, LUNamesLen, Traces,  
                    I              I           I         BA 
               TraceFileLen, TraceMedium, TraceSize, TraceFile, 
                   BA         IA     
               DefaultFile, Result ) 



An eight-character input byte array. The Wsid parameter identifies your workstation. It must contain a left-justified alphanumeric name beginning with a letter. If the workstation identifier is less than eight characters long, it must be followed by blanks.


An input integer variable. The ChainSize parameter contains the number of request units (RUs) to send in one SNA chain, from 1 through 99. See "Glossary" for a definition of RU. If the value of ChainSize is 0, the configured default value applies.


An input byte array. The LUNames array is a list of eight-character logical unit (LU) names. In MPE V, these are LU class names as configured in the SNA Configuration: Classes screen. In MPE XL, these are host names (not NAUs) of LUs that you wish to start. See "Glossary of Terms" for the definition of an LU.

Each entry is left-justified, and blank-filled. The number of entries is specified in LUNamesLen.

Following is an example of an LUNames array of four entries:


You cannot start an LUName that is already started.


An input integer. The LUNamesLen parameter specifies the number of entries in LUNames, from 0 through 16. The value of LUNamesLen for the LUNames example above is 4.

If the value of LUNamesLen is 0 and the workstation is inactive, the configured auto-start LU names are initiated.

If LUNamesLen=0 and the workstation is active, a Result will indicate an error.

The maximum LUNamesLen value is 16.


A two-element input integer array. Each element of Traces contains an integer that represents a type of tracing to turn on or off.

The use of two elements allows you to enable multiple trace types simultaneously. The order of the elements is not significant. Traces element values are as follows:

  • 0 = No tracing.

  • 1 = NRJE LU process tracing.

NOTE: Use this option only when recommended by your HP representative. This type of tracing can have a performance impact.

If LU tracing is initiated, it must be done when the workstation is started. Thereafter, it can be stopped and restarted.

  • 2 = Intrinsic tracing.


An input integer. The TraceFileLen parameter is the length in characters of the trace file designator, TraceFile.

The number of characters may be between one and thirty-five. If this parameter is zero, the trace is recorded in the DefaultFile.


An input integer. TraceMedium indicates the TraceFile device type. This parameter is called by reference. The only valid value for TraceMedium is 0, which indicates that the trace information will be written to a disk file.


An input integer. TraceSize contains the maximum number of logical records TraceFile is to contain, from 0 through 32767.

A logical record is 128 words long. If TraceSize is zero, the default file size of 1024 records is used.


An input byte array. The TraceFile byte array contains an actual file designator used for trace output. This parameter is used only when TraceFileLen is greater than zero. This parameter identifies a disk trace output file. TraceFile can contain a fully qualified 35-character disk file name, with lockword, in this form:


The contents of TraceFile must be left-justified, with trailing blanks, and meet MPE standards for an actual file designator.

If you specify a disk file that does not exist (a NEW file), then it will be created as the destination for trace output.

If you specify an OLD file (it already exists), and it already is in use for trace output, then trace output records for this activity are interleaved with other trace output records. You minimize the use of disk space by using an OLD file appropriately; however, trace output can be overwritten. If you specify an OLD file that is not already open, the file will be overwritten with new trace data. No warning is issued. Trace file records are created after successful completion of the intrinsic. If an error is encountered during the execution of the intrinsic, only the status array will be traced.


An output byte array. The DefaultFile parameter is the file designator of the default trace file. A default file name is created whenever TraceFileLen is zero.

Default file names are in the form NMTCnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a four-digit number that is incremented each time a default trace is created. Default file names are up to 27 bytes long. The last character is always a blank. You can always retain trace data by using a DefaultFile; however, considerable disk space might be used.


An eight-element integer output array (required). The Result array contains error codes that occurred during execution of this intrinsic.

The first element of the Result array is set to zero if no errors took place. The structure of the Result array is described in "Parameters Common to NRJE Intrinsics" in the introduction to Chapter 5 “User Intrinsics”

Always test the first element of Result immediately after you call this intrinsic. If the first element of Result is not zero, test the other elements of Result to determine the nature of the problem that has occurred.


The NRJEStartWS intrinsic initiates the NRJE workstation. It causes the NRJE monitor to be streamed and run as an MPE job. See the SNA NRJE Node Manager's Guide for more information.

When you call NRJEStartWS, you can start all LUs of a workstation that are configured for automatic starting (by setting LUNamesLen to zero), or you can supply a list of LUs in LUNames and set LUNamesLen to the length of the list. Call NRJELUList and NRJELUStatus to determine which LUs have started. You can initiate intrinsic or LU (internal or user) tracing with this intrinsic.

If you set TraceFileLen to zero, then a default trace file, NMTCnnnn.PUB.SYS, is created and identified in DefaultFile. You can always retain trace data with this method; however, considerable disk space might be used.

NOTE: If an error occurs because of a bad trace parameter, the workstation or LUs will not start.

After you have called this intrinsic, test the first element of Result to determine its operation.

Text Reference

STARTWS is the command counterpart to this intrinsic. See the SNA Node Manager's Guide for additional information. Also see NRJECONTROL START in the same manual.

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