HPlogo SNA NRJE User/Programmer Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 User Commands



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Changes the transmission queue priority of a submitted job or group of jobs.


           { SpoolfileID       }
A[LTER]    {    Name           },Newpri [;W[SID]=Wsid]
           {UserName.AcctName  }
           {     @             }



Use to alter the priority of a specific job to Newpri.

The SpoolfileID parameter is assigned by the spooler after execution of a SUBMIT command. Its form is #0nnnnn, where n is a digit. You enter just the nnnnn portion of the ID.


Use to alter all your jobs with this Name to the Newpri value

You can create a job Name in the SUBMIT command. You can submit several jobs with the same Name.

A job Name begins with a letter, and may be up to eight alphanumeric characters long.


Use to alter all jobs from a UserName.AcctName to the Newpri value.

If your logon UserName.AcctName is different from the one you specified in this command, you must be configured with NM capability to use this parameter.


Use to alter the priority of all jobs you submitted to the Newpri value when your logon UserName.AcctName is the same as the jobs you want to change. If you have NM capability, this will affect all jobs.


Specifies the new priority value you want for jobs. The value of Newpri must be an integer from 0 through 14, where 14 is the highest priority.

You can defer submitting your job by setting Newpri less than or equal to the value of RDRFENCE, which is described in the SNA NRJE Node Manager's Guide.

The initial priority of a job is established when you submit it via a parameter of the SUBMIT command.


Overrides the default Wsid named in the NRJE command, for this command only. When you specify WSID=Wsid in this command, the job files you alter are in workstation Wsid.

Unless you are configured with NM capability, you must be the submitter of the jobs you want to alter.


The ALTER command enables you to control the order of jobs within the transmission queue. Each job in the queue has a particular priority. You can determine the priority of a job or a group of jobs by using the SHOW command. Then, if you would like to change the priority of one or more jobs, you can use the ALTER command.

You can specify a particular transmission queue associated with a particular workstation identification by entering the WSID=Wsid parameter in this command. If you omit the Wsid parameter, this command refers to the transmission queue of the default workstation. You establish a default workstation by using the Wsid parameter with an NRJE command.


  • You can alter the priority of only those jobs that are in a READY state. You can use the SHOW command to determine the state of jobs.

  • If you are configured with an NM capability, you can alter the priority of jobs submitted by any UserName.AcctName. However, if you do not have NM capability, you can alter the priority of only those jobs submitted under your logon UserName.AcctName.


                      You have entered NRJE for RMT53.<F255P255D>
                      Use this command to obtain the value of Reader fence.
Workstation: R53                   
READER QUEUE                       
      Reader ldev:  12             
       Chain size:  99             
Number of readers:  1
      Compression:  YES            
 Translation code:  0: Native-3000
    Reader status:  UP             
     Reader fence:  6              
     System fence:  6 
                      It is useful to see the priorities of your jobs.  
                      If you are logged on as KEN.NRJE, you would see 
                      this display.
   #O Name Pri State Rank Size User.Account   Time
 1069      13  READY  3    32   KEN.NRJE      10:48
RMT53>ALTER 1069,4
                      You changed the priority of SpoolfileID 1069 to 4.  
                      You deferred transmission of this file because
                      Newpri is below the reader fence value.
                      Other commands follow

In the example, you changed the priority of one file to a Newpri value. You can change the priority of groups of files to a Newpri value when you use the Name, UserName.AcctName, or @ parameter. This is useful when you advance a priority value above the deferred value set by RDRFENCE.

Text Reference

The intrinsic related to this command is NRJEAlter, which is described in Chapter 5 “User Intrinsics”.

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