HPlogo SNA Link/iX Node Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 SNA Node Startup and Shutdown

Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP 3000


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For each node you configure on the HP 3000, a corresponding T2.0 or T2.1 node should be in the remote system configuration. Figure 4-1 shows how a session is established between the SSCP on the remote system and the PU on the HP 3000 node (either a T2.0 node or a T2.1 node). The remote system sends out a poll on the data link, in the form of a Set Normal Response Mode (SNRM) , and continues to poll the link until it receives a positive response from the HP 3000. The HP 3000 node is activated with the SNACONTROL START command (see chapter 6 of this manual). The SSCP then sends an ACTivate PU (ACTPU) request to the HP 3000 PU. SNA Transport, as the PU services manager, sends a positive response back to the SSCP. The PU-SSCP session is now established.

Figure 4-1 PU-SSCP Session Establishment

          IBM Remote System                      HP 3000 (T2.0/T2.1 Node)


   Link started up from remote system


   SSCP polls for null XID

                               null XID poll

                                - - - - - ->

                                               If HP 3000 is a T2.0 


                                                  it sends an XID0


                                               If HP 3000 is a T2.1 


                               XID0 or XID3       it sends an XID3

                               < - - - - - - 

   SSCP begins polling link

      until positive response

      received from HP PU


                                - - - - - ->

                                              Link started up on HP 3000

                                                 with SNACONTROL START


                                - - - - - ->

                                             Link driver on PSI sends 


                                   (UA)         acknowledgement to SRNM

                               < - - - - - - 

   SSCP initiates PU-SSCP

      session                     ACTPU

                                - - - - - ->

                                             SNA Transport issues positive

                               (+ response)     response to SSCP

                               < - - - - - - 


                      (PU-SSCP session established)
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