HPlogo SNA Link/iX Node Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Logging Configuration

Configuring Logging


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Once you have opened the configuration file, you are placed at the NMMGR "Main" screen.

Main Screen

From this screen you can select the category of network subsystems you want to configure.

Figure 3-1 Main Screen

[Main Screen]

To access the NMMGR branch for configuring logging, press [f4] (IBM). This places you at the "HP-IBM Configuration" screen.

HP-IBM Configuration Screen

From this screen you can select the item you want to configure.

Figure 3-2 HP-IBM Configuration Screen

[HP-IBM Configuration Screen]

To select logging, press [f1] (Go To LOGGING).

IBM Logging Configuration (1) Screen

After you have selected logging configuration, NMMGR displays the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen. Here you specify logging information for these subsystems: SNA Transport, NRJE, and DHCF.

If you want to specify logging information for an SNA subsystem not shown on this screen, press [f1] (Next Screen) once, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen, or twice, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen. Each of these screens is described later in this chapter.

Figure 3-3 IBM Logging Configuration (1) Screen Example

[IBM Logging Configuration (1) Screen Example]



For display only. The names and numbers of the subsystems you can configure logging for on this screen.

Class Name

For display only. The names of the logging classes you can configure logging for on this screen.

Console Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class displayed at the HP 3000 console; N, otherwise.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the console logging configuration for any subsystem, the changes will not take effect until the entire HP 3000 system is shut down and restarted.
Disk Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class recorded in the NM log file; N, otherwise. The file name that Node Management Services (NMS) uses is NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999. This is a common file used for logging by all logging classes in all subsystems. At each MPE system startup, or when a file is full, NMS creates a new NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS file, naming each successive file by incrementing nnnn. When NMLG9999.PUB.SYS is full, NMS names the next file NMLG0000.PUB.SYS. The MPE commands RESUMENMLOG, SHOWNMLOG, and SWITCHNMLOG are used to control logging and the log file. These commands are described in chapter 6 of this manual.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the disk logging configuration for a subsystem, the changes will not take effect until that subsystem is shut down and restarted.

For display only. The type of information logged for a class.

SNA Transport (SUB0001):

  • CLAS0010: node events

    • Node activation

    • Link activation

    • Link errors

    • Internal errors

    • Node shutdown

      Note that if you are using an X.25 link and you want logging information recorded, logging (console, disk, or both) for this SNA Transport class (CLAS0010) must be enabled, because the X.25 link uses the logging facilities for this SNA Transport class.

  • CLAS0011: protocol errors

    • Packet discards/rejects

    • Bad port messages

  • CLAS0012: LU-LU activities

    • OpenUser/CloseUser

    • Session activation/Session deactivation

  • CLAS0013: LU-SSCP activities

    • OpenUser/CloseUser

    • Session activation/Session deactivation

      Note that if you are using a manual-dial modem, console logging for this SNA Transport class (CLAS0013) must be enabled, so that pertinent logging messages can be displayed.

NRJE (SUB0002):

  • CLAS0010: workstation events

    • Job transmission

    • Job output reception (including Peripheral Device Information Records [PDIRs])

    • Noncritical errors

  • CLAS0012: critical events and errors

    • Critical errors

    • LU startup

    • LU shutdown

  • CLAS0013: JES2, JES3, and VSE/POWER console commands and messages

    • Console commands

    • Console messages

DHCF (SUB0020):

  • CLAS0010: serious and internal errors

    • Errors fatal to session

    • Errors fatal to subsystem

  • CLAS0011: warnings

    • Errors not fatal to session

    • Errors not fatal to subsystem

  • CLAS0012: informational messages

    • Session startup

    • Session shutdown

    • Subsystem startup

    • Subsystem shutdown

  • CLAS0013: diagnostic messages

    • Internal data

NOTE: If you want the logging events for only a specific logging subsystem and class to be displayed at the list devices of users, see "Enabling Users for a Specific Subsystem and Class" later in this chapter.

For display only. The name of the configuration file.

Once you have entered all of the logging information, press [f6] (Save Data).

Then, if you do not want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, press [f5] (Validate HP-IBM) to validate the logging configuration you just did. Once the logging configuration is validated, press [f4] (Exit Logging) to return to the "HP-IBM Configuration" screen.

If you want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, (1) press [f1] (Next Screen) once, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen (described next in this chapter); or (2) press [f1] (Next Screen) twice, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen (described later in this chapter).

IBM Logging Configuration (2) Screen

On this screen, you specify logging information for these subsystems: APPC, link trace, and SDLC link.

If you want to specify logging information for an SNA subsystem not shown on this screen, press [f1] (Next Screen), which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen (described later in this chapter), or press [f8] (Prior Screen), which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen (described earlier in this chapter).

Figure 3-4 IBM Logging Configuration (2) Screen Example

[IBM Logging Configuration (2) Screen Example]



For display only. The names and numbers of the subsystems you can configure logging for on this screen.

Class Name

For display only. The names of the logging classes you can configure logging for on this screen.

Console Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class displayed at the HP 3000 console; N, otherwise.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the console logging configuration for any subsystem, the changes will not take effect until the entire HP 3000 system is shut down and restarted.
Disk Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class recorded in the NM log file; N, otherwise. The file name that Node Management Services (NMS) uses is NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999. This is a common file used for logging by all logging classes in all subsystems. At each MPE system startup, or when a file is full, NMS creates a new NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS file, naming each successive file by incrementing nnnn. When NMLG9999.PUB.SYS is full, NMS names the next file NMLG0000.PUB.SYS. The MPE commands RESUMENMLOG, SHOWNMLOG, and SWITCHNMLOG are used to control logging and the log file. These commands are described in chapter 6 of this manual.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the disk logging configuration for a subsystem, the changes will not take effect until that subsystem is shut down and restarted.

For display only. The type of information logged for a class.

APPC (SUB0016):

  • CLAS0010: internal errors

  • CLAS0011: subsystem warnings

  • CLAS0012: subsystem information messages

  • CLAS0013: conversation information messages

  • CLAS0014: session performance statistics

Link trace (SUB0018):

  • CLAS0000: link trace starting and stopping errors

    • Errors that occur when starting or stopping SDLC link-level tracing. This does not include link errors.

SDLC link (SUB0027):

  • CLAS0010: errors

  • CLAS0012: informational messages

NOTE: If you want the logging events for only a specific logging subsystem and class to be displayed at the list devices of users, see "Enabling Users for a Specific Subsystem and Class" later in this chapter.

For display only. The name of the configuration file.

Once you have entered all of the logging information, press [f6] (Save Data).

Then, if you do not want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, press [f5] (Validate HP-IBM) to validate the logging configuration you just did. Once the logging configuration is validated, press [f4] (Exit Logging) to return to the "HP-IBM Configuration" screen.

If you want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, (1) press [f8] (Prior Screen), which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen (described earlier in this chapter); or (2) press [f1] (Next Screen), which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen (described next in this chapter).

IBM Logging Configuration (3) Screen

On this screen, you specify logging information for these subsystems: SNADS and token ring link.

NOTE: Although the logging subsystem for RJE/BSC Link (SUB0037) is shown on the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen, information for configuring RJE/BSC Link logging is not included in this manual. See the RJE/XL Node Manager's Guide (30295-61002) for that information.

If you want to specify logging information for an SNA subsystem not shown on this screen, press [f8] (Prior Screen) until you are placed at either the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen or the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen. Each of these screens is described earlier in this chapter.

Figure 3-5 IBM Logging Configuration (3) Screen Example

[IBM Logging Configuration (3) Screen Example]



For display only. The names and numbers of the subsystems you can configure logging for on this screen.

Class Name

For display only. The names of the logging classes you can configure logging for on this screen.

Console Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class displayed at the HP 3000 console; N, otherwise.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the console logging configuration for any subsystem, the changes will not take effect until the entire HP 3000 system is shut down and restarted.
Disk Logging

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a class recorded in the NM log file; N, otherwise. The file name that Node Management Services (NMS) uses is NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999. This is a common file used for logging by all logging classes in all subsystems. At each MPE system startup, or when a file is full, NMS creates a new NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS file, naming each successive file by incrementing nnnn. When NMLG9999.PUB.SYS is full, NMS names the next file NMLG0000.PUB.SYS. The MPE commands RESUMENMLOG, SHOWNMLOG, and SWITCHNMLOG are used to control logging and the log file. These commands are described in chapter 6 of this manual.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Default: Each class's default is the recommended setting for that class (see table 3-1).

NOTE: If you change the disk logging configuration for a subsystem, the changes will not take effect until that subsystem is shut down and restarted.

For display only. The type of information logged for a class.

SNADS (SUB0046):

  • CLAS0010: serious and internal errors

    • Errors that prevent HP SNADS/XL, a Transport process, or a mapper process from continuing.

  • CLAS0011: warnings

    • Conditions that should be noticed, but which do not prevent normal operation of HP SNADS/XL.

  • CLAS0012: subsystem information

    • HP SNADS/XL subsystem information

    • Success or failure of the VERIFY Manager command

Token ring link (SUB0061):

  • CLAS0001: Errors

  • CLAS0002: warnings

  • CLAS0003: informational messages

NOTE: If you want the logging events for only a specific logging subsystem and class to be displayed at the list devices of users, see "Enabling Users for a Specific Subsystem and Class" later in this chapter.

For display only. The name of the configuration file.

Once you have entered all of the logging information, press [f6] (Save Data).

Then, if you do not want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, press [f5] (Validate HP-IBM) to validate the logging configuration you just did. Once the logging configuration is validated, press [f4] (Exit Logging) to return to the "HP-IBM Configuration" screen.

If you want to configure logging information for other SNA subsystems, (1) press [f8] (Prior Screen) once, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen (described earlier in this chapter); or (2) press [f8] (Prior Screen) twice, which places you at the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen (described earlier in this chapter).

Enabling Users for a Specific Subsystem and Class

If you want the logging events for only a specific logging subsystem and class to be displayed at the list devices of users, you can do it through the "Logging Configuration: Class Data" screen. You go directly to this screen from any screen by typing @LOGGING.subsystemname.classname in the command window and pressing [ENTER].

Figure 3-6 Class Data Screen Example

[Class Data Screen Example]



For display only. The NMMGR path to this screen. It includes the names of the subsystem and the logging class you are enabling users for.

Enable Console Logging?

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for only this subsystem and class displayed at the HP 3000 console; N, otherwise.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Note that if the value you enter here is different from the value specified for this subsystem and class on the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen, the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen, or the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen, the value on the other screen is overridden by the value you enter here.

Default: N

NOTE: If you change the console logging configuration for any subsystem, the changes will not take effect until the entire HP 3000 system is shut down and restarted.
Enable Disc Logging?

Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for only this subsystem and class recorded in the NM log file; N, otherwise. The file name that Node Management Services (NMS) uses is NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999. This is a common file used for logging by all logging classes in all subsystems. At each MPE system startup, or when a file is full, NMS creates a new NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS file, naming each successive file by incrementing nnnn. When NMLG9999.PUB.SYS is full, NMS names the next file NMLG0000.PUB.SYS. The MPE commands RESUMENMLOG, SHOWNMLOG, and SWITCHNMLOG are used to control logging and the log file. These commands are described in chapter 6 of this manual.

Refer to table 3-1 for guidelines.

Note that if the value you enter here is different from the value specified for this subsystem and class on the "IBM Logging Configuration (1)" screen, the "IBM Logging Configuration (2)" screen, or the "IBM Logging Configuration (3)" screen, the value on the other screen is overridden by the value you enter here.

Default: Y

NOTE: If you change the disk logging configuration for a subsystem, the changes will not take effect until that subsystem is shut down and restarted.
Current number of users enabled for logging

For display only. The number of users specified for Users enabled for logging. For example, if two users are specified for Users enabled for logging, the value 2 would be displayed here when [f6] (Save Data) is pressed.

Users enabled for logging

You can have the logging events for only this subsystem and class displayed at the list devices of users. We recommend that you enable logging for the users responsible for installing and maintaining the SNA subsystems you are configuring logging for. Enter up to three user names in the form UserName.AccountName. When you press [f6] (Save Data), NMMGR deletes duplicate entries and enters the number of users specified into Current number of users enabled for logging.

NOTE: If a user enabled for logging is logged on at the system console, and console logging is enabled, two copies of each logged message might be received.

For display only. The name of the configuration file.

Once you have entered the data, press [f6] (Save Data).

After the information is saved, press [f8] (Prior Screen) until you get to the screen you need next.