HPlogo Communicator 3000 MPE/iX Release 6.0 (Platform Software Release C.60.00): HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Application Development

COBOL II/iX Enhancements


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by Walter Murray Support Technology Lab


COBOL II/iX on MPE/iX 6.0 provides several enhancements that were requested by Interex SIGCOBOL. Some of these enhancements have already been made available in various patches to MPE/iX 5.5.

This article gives an overview. For details, refer to "COBOL II/iX Enhancements" in chapter 10, "Technical Articles."

  1. COBOL now provides the ability to specify secondary entry points in a main program. The ENTRY statement, which was previously allowed only in subprograms, may now be used in the main program. The nonnumeric literal specified in the ENTRY statement becomes the name of a secondary entry point for the program, and it can be specified in the MPE/iX RUN command.

  2. Support is now provided for procedure call by plabel. In a CALL statement, the identifier designating the subprogram to be called may now be the name of a numeric data item. It will be interpreted as a procedure label of a previously loaded procedure, and the compiler will generate a dynamic call to that procedure.

  3. Six new procedures have been added to the run-time library to simplify bit manipulation in COBOL.

  4. Compiler limits were increased to permit compiling much larger programs, such as those created by automated code generation tools. COBOL II/iX should now be able to compile programs in excess of 200,000 lines of source code.

  5. An index-name may now be used as the operand of a DISPLAY statement.

  6. Attempting to compile a source file in Qedit format, on a system where Qedit is not properly installed, will now result in a specific error message suggesting a problem related to Qedit. Qedit is a full-screen text editor from Robelle Consulting Ltd.

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