HPlogo Communicator 3000 MPE/iX Release 6.0 (Platform Software Release C.60.00): HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 System Information and Preparation

New MPE/iX Release Obsolescence Strategy


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by Jon Cohen
Commercial Systems Division

The "MPE/iX Release Obsolescence Strategy" is a collection of guidelines that determines how long a particular MPE/iX Release is supported.

In recent years, our Obsolescence Strategy has grown to be very complex, ambiguous, and confusing. Even HP people had difficulty interpreting these guidelines to determine when a particular release would no longer be supported.

In response, we have adopted a new, simpler Obsolescence Strategy:

  • In general, HP will support the two most recent mainline releases.

  • In order to facilitate customers moving to new releases, we will support the oldest release for at least six months after the new release ships. In other words, Release "N-2" will still be supported for at least six months after Release "N" ships.

  • The release of an Express Release or a Powerpatch on any particular release does not extend its support life.

Given the rate with which we ship releases, this new strategy implies that any particular release will be supported for at least three years, and in most cases, most releases will be supported for a significantly longer period of time.

This new strategy is effective now. This implies that Release 5.0, which first shipped February 17, 1995, will become obsolete as early as six months after Release 6.0 ships.

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