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HP-UX 11i Version 2: December 2007 Update

Technical documentation

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t_getprotaddr() — get the protocol address


#include <xti.h> /* for X/OPEN Transport Interface - XTI */ int t_getprotaddr (fd, boundaddr, perraddr); int fd; struct t_bind *boundaddr; struct t_bind *peeraddr;


The t_getprotaddr() function returns local and remote protocol addresses currently associated with the transport endpoint specified by fd. In boundaddr and peeraddr the user specifies maxlen, which is the maximum size of the address buffer, and buf which points to the buffer where the address is to be placed. On return, the buf field of boundaddr points to the address, if any, currently bound to fd, and the len field specifies the length of the address. If the transport endpoint is in the T_UNBND state, zero is returned in the len field of boundaddr. The buf field of peeraddr points to the address, if any, currently connected to fd, and the len field specifies the length of the address. If the transport endpoint is not in the T_DATAXFER state, zero is returned in the len field of peeraddr.


The t_getprotaddr() function is safe to be called by multithreaded applications, and it is thread-safe for both POSIX Threads and DCE User Threads. It has a cancellation point. It is neither async-cancel safe nor async-signal safe. Finally, it is not fork-safe.

Valid States

All - apart from T_UNINIT.


Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned, and t_errno is set to indicate the error.


On failure, t_errno is set to the following


The specified identifier does not refer to a transport endpoint.


The number of bytes allocated for an incoming argument ( maxlen) is greater than 0 but not sufficient to store the value of that argument.


A system error has occurred during execution of this function.


This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is no other suitable XTI (t_errno).

