HPlogo HP-UX Reference > Part II Section 1M: System Administration Commands



Technical documentation

 » Table of Contents

 » Index

Table of Contents

gated(1M) - gateway routing daemon
gdc(1M) - operational user interface for gated
geocustoms(1M) - configure system language on multi-language systems
getext(1M) - get VxFS extent attributes
getfilexsec(1M) - display security attributes of binary executables
getmemwindow(1M) - extracts window ids of user processes from /etc/services.window
getprocxsec(1M) - display security attributes of a process
getprpw(1M) - display protected password database
getrules(1M) - display compartment rules
getty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
getx25(1M) - get x25 line
groupadd(1M) - add a new group to the system
groupdel(1M) - delete a group from the system
groupmod(1M) - modify a group on the system
grpck(1M) - password/group file checkers — see pwck(1M)