HPlogo HP-UX Reference > Part I Section 1: User Commands



Technical documentation

 » Table of Contents

 » Index

Table of Contents

m4(1) - macro processor
machid(1) - provide truth value about processor type
machinfo(1) - print machine information
mail(1) - send mail to users or read mail
mailfrom(1) - summarize mail folders by subject and sender
mailq(1) - prints the mail queue
mailstats(1) - print mail traffic statistics
mailx(1) - interactive mail message processing system
make(1) - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
makekey(1) - generate encryption key
man(1) - find manual information by keywords; print out a manual entry
mediainit(1) - initialize disk or partition DDS tape
merge(1) - three-way file merge
mesg(1) - permit or deny messages to terminal
mkdir(1) - make a directory
mkfifo(1) - make FIFO (named pipe) special files
mkmf(1) - make a makefile
mkmsgs(1) - create message files for use by gettxt()
mkstr(1) - extract error messages from C source into a file
mktemp(1) - make a name for a temporary file
mkuupath(1) - access and manage the pathalias database — see uupath(1)
mm(1) - print documents formatted with the mm macros
model(1) - print hardware model information
more(1) - file perusal filter for screen viewing
mpsched(1) - control the processor or locality domain on which a specific process executes
mt(1) - magnetic tape manipulating program
mv(1) - move or rename files and directories