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HP-UX 11i Version 2: December 2007 Update

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ff_hfs: ff — list file names and statistics for HFS file system


/usr/sbin/ff [-F hfs] [-a num] [-c num] [-i inode-list] [-I] [-l] [-m num] [-n file] [-p prefix] [-s] [-u] [-V] special ...


The ff command reads the i-list and directories of each special file special, assuming it to be an HFS file system, saving i-node data for files that match the selection criteria. Output consists of the path name for each saved i-node, plus any other file information requested using the print options below. Output fields are positional. The output is produced in i-node order; fields are separated by tabs. The default line produced by ff contains the path name and i-number fields. With all options specified, the output fields include path name, i-number, size, and user ID.

The num parameter in the options descriptions is a decimal number, where +num means more than num, -num means less than num, and num means exactly num. A day is defined as a 24-hour period.

ff lists only a single path name out of many possible ones for an i-node with more than one link, unless you specify the -l option. With -l, ff applies no selection criteria to the names listed. All possible names for every linked file on the file system are included in the output. On very large file systems, memory may run out before ff completes execution.

Options and Arguments

ff recognizes the following options and arguments:

-a num

Select a file if the i-node has been accessed in num days.

-c num

Select a file if the i-node has been changed in num days.

-F hfs

Specify the HFS file system type.

-i inode-list

Generate names for any i-node specified in the inode-list.


Do not display the i-node number after each path name.


Generate a list of all path names for files with more than one link.

-m num

Select a file associated with an i-node if it has been modified in num days.

-n file

Select a file associated with an i-node if it has been modified more recently than the specified file.

-p prefix

Add the specified prefix to each path name. The default prefix is . (dot).


Write the file size, in bytes, after each path name.


Write the owner's login name after each path name.


Echo the completed command line, but performs no other action. The command line is generated by incorporating the user-specified options and other information derived from /etc/fstab. This option allows the user to verify the command line.


List the path names and i-numbers of all files in the file system /dev/dsk/c1d2s0:

ff /dev/dsk/c1d2s0

Same as above, but suppress the printing of i-numbers:

ff -I /dev/dsk/c1d2s0

List files on the same file system that have been modified recently, displaying the path name, i-number, and owner's user name (the -u option). List only files that have been modified within the last two days (the -m -2 option):

ff -m -2 -u /dev/dsk/c1d2s0

List all files on the same file system, including the path name and i-number of each file, that was last accessed more than 30 days ago (-a +30):

ff -a +30 /dev/dsk/c1d2s0

Find all path names associated with i-nodes 451 and 76 (the -l option):

ff -l -i 451,76 /dev/dsk/c1d2s0

Execute the ff command on an HFS file system /dev/dsk/c1d2s0:

ff -F hfs /dev/dsk/c1d2s0



Static information about the file systems.