HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Reference Manual: Version A.05.55.02 > Chapter 5 Expressions and Operators

Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)


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exp1 + exp2

Adds exp1 and exp2. An exp can be any integer or floating-point expression.

exp1 - exp2

Subtracts exp2 from exp1.

exp1 * exp2

Multiplies exp1 by exp2.

exp1 / exp2

Divides exp1 by exp2.

exp1 % exp2

Finds modulo of exp1 divided by exp2. (That is, finds the remainder of an integer division.) An expression can be any integer expression.


Negates the value of exp.


Identity (unary plus).



Any constant or variable expression.


The addition, subtraction, and multiplication (+, -, and *) operators perform the usual arithmetic operations in C programs. The operands may be any integral or floating-point value, with the following exception:

  • The modulo operator (%) accepts only integer operands.

  • The unary plus operator (+exp) and the addition and subtraction operators accept integer, floating-point, or pointer operands.

The addition and subtraction operators also accept pointer types as operands. Pointer arithmetic is described in “Pointer Operators (*, ->, &)”.

C's modulo operator (%) produces the remainder of integer division, which equals 0 if the right operand divides the left operand exactly. This operator can be useful for tasks such as determining whether or not a year is a U.S. presidential election year. For example:

if (year % 4 == 0)
printf("This is an Olympic Games year.\n");
printf("There will be no Olympic Games this year.\n");

As required by the ANSI/ISO C standard, HP C supports the following relationship between the remainder and division operators:

a equals a%b + (a/b) * b for any integer values of a and b

The result of a division or modulo division is undefined if the right operand is 0.

The sign reversal or unary minus operator (-) multiplies its sole operand by -1. For example, if x is an integer with the value -8, then -x evaluates to 8.

The result of the identity or unary plus operator (+) is simply the value of the operand.

Refer to “Operator Precedence ” for information about how these and other operators evaluate with respect to each other.

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