HPlogo HP 9000 Networking: BSD Sockets Interface Programmer's Guide > Chapter 2 Using Internet Stream Sockets

Example Using Internet Stream Sockets


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NOTE: These programs are provided as examples only of stream socket usage and are not Hewlett-Packard supported products.

These program examples demonstrate how to set up and use internet stream sockets. These sample programs are in the /usr/lib/demos/networking/socket directory. The client program is intended to run in conjunction with the server program. The client program requests a service called example from the server program.

The server process receives requests from the remote client process, handles the request and returns the results to the client process. Note that the server:

  • Uses the wildcard address for the listen socket.

  • Uses the ntohs address conversion call to show porting to a host that requires it.

  • Uses the SO_LINGER option for a graceful disconnect.

The client process creates a connection, sends requests to the server process and receives the results from the server process. Note that the client:

  • Uses shutdown to indicate that it is done sending requests.

  • Uses getsockname to see what socket address was assigned to the local socket by the host.

  • Uses the ntohs address conversion call to show porting to a host that requires it.

Before you run the example programs, make the following entry in the two host's /etc/services files:

example  22375/tcp

The source code for these two programs follows

* S E R V . T C P
* This is an example program that demonstrates the use of stream
* sockets as a BSD Sockets mechanism. This contains the server,
* and is intended to operate in conjunction with the client
* program found in client.tcp. Together, these two programs
* demonstrate many of the features of sockets, as well as good
* conventions for using these features.
* This program provides a service called "example". In order for
* it to function, an entry for it needs to exist in the
* /etc/services file. The port address for this service can be
* any port number that is likely to be unused, such as 22375,
* for example. The host on which the client will be running
* must also have the same entry (same port number) in its
* /etc/services file.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netdb.h>

int s; /* connected socket descriptor */
int ls; /* listen socket descriptor */

struct hostent *hp; /* pointer to host info for remote host */
struct servent *sp; /* pointer to service information */

long timevar; /* contains time returned by time() */
char *ctime(); /* declare time formatting routine */

struct linger linger = {1,1};
/* allow lingering, graceful close; */
/* used when setting SO_LINGER */

struct sockaddr_in myaddr_in; /* for local socket address */
struct sockaddr_in peeraddr_in;/* for peer socket address */


* M A I N
* This routine starts the server. It forks, leaving the child
* to do all the work, so it does not have to be run in the
* background.It sets up the listen socket, and for each incoming
* connection, it forks a child process to process the data.
* It will loop forever, until killed by a signal.
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int addrlen;
/* clear out address structures */
memset ((char *)&myaddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
memset ((char *)&peeraddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
/* Set up address structure for the listen socket. */
myaddr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* The server should listen on the wildcard address,
* rather than its own internet address. This is
* generally good practice for servers, because on
* systems which are connected to more than one
* network at once will be able to have one server
* listening on all networks at once. Even when the
* host is connected to only one network, this is good
* practice, because it makes the server program more
* portable.
myaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
/* Find the information for the "example" server
* in order to get the needed port number.
sp = getservbyname ("example", "tcp");
if (sp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: host not found ",

myaddr_in.sin_port = sp->s_port;

/* Create the listen socket. */
ls = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (ls == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to create socket\n" , argv[0]);
/* Bind the listen address to the socket. */
if (bind(ls, &myaddr_in, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to bind address\n", argv[0]);
/* Initiate the listen on the socket so remote users
* can connect. The listen backlog is set to 5. 20
if (listen(ls, 5) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to listen on socket\n",argv[0]);

/* Now, all the initialization of the server is
* complete, and any user errors will have already
* been detected. Now we can fork the daemon and
* return to the user. We need to do a setpgrp
* so that the daemon will no longer be associated
* with the user's control terminal. This is done
* before the fork, so that the child will not be
* a process group leader. Otherwise, if the child
* were to open a terminal, it would become associated
* with that terminal as its control terminal. It is
* always best for the parent to do the setpgrp.

switch (fork()) {
case -1:
      /* Unable to fork, for some reason. */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to fork daemon\n", argv[0]);

case 0:
/* The child process (daemon) comes here. */
/* Close stdin and stderr so that they will not
* be kept open. Stdout is assumed to have been
* redirected to some logging file, or /dev/null.
* From now on, the daemon will not report any
* error messages. This daemon will loop forever,
* waiting for connections and forking a child
* server to handle each one.
/* Set SIGCLD to SIG_IGN, in order to prevent
* the accumulation of zombies as each child
* terminates. This means the daemon does not
* have to make wait calls to clean them up.
signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN);
for(;;) {
/* Note that addrlen is passed as a pointer
* so that the accept call can return the
* size of the returned address.
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
/* This call will block until a new
* connection arrives. Then, it will
* return the address of the connecting
* peer, and a new socket descriptor,
* s, for that connection.
s = accept(ls, &peeraddr_in, &addrlen);
if ( s == -1) exit(1);
switch (fork()) {
case -1: /* Can't fork, just continue. */
case 0: /* Child process comes here. */
default: /* Daemon process comes here. */
/* The daemon needs to close the
* the new accept socket after
* forking the child. This
* prevents daemon from running
* out of file descriptors.
* It also means that when the
* server closes the socket,
* that it will allow socket
* to be destroyed since it
* will be the last close.

default: /* Parent process comes here. */
* S E R V E R
* This is the actual server routine that the daemon forks
* to handle each individual connection. Its purpose is
* to receive the request packets from the remote client,
* process them, and return the results to the client.
* It will also write some logging information to stdout.
int reqcnt = 0; /* keeps count of number of requests */
char buf[10]; /* This example uses 10 byte messages. */
char *inet_ntoa();
char *hostname; /* points to remote host's name string */
int len, len1;
/* Close the listen socket inherited from the daemon. */

/* Look up the host information for the remote host
* we have connected with. Its internet address
* was returned by the accept call, in the main
* daemon loop above.
hp = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &peeraddr_in.sin_addr,
sizeof (struct in_addr),

if (hp == NULL) {
/* The info is unavailable for the remote host.
* Just format its internet address to be
* printed in the logging information. The
* address will be shown in internet dot format.
hostname = inet_ntoa(peeraddr_in.sin_addr);
} else {
hostname = hp->h_name; /* point to host's name */
/* Log a startup message. */
time (&timevar);
/* The port number must be converted first to
* host byte order before printing. On most hosts,
* this is not necessary, but the ntohs() call is
* included here so that this program could easily
* be ported to a host that does require it.
printf("Startup from %s port %u at %s",
hostname, ntohs(peeraddr_in.sin_port), ctime(&timevar));

/* Set the socket for a lingering, graceful close.
* Since linger was set to 1 above, this will
* cause a final close of this socket to wait
* until all of the data sent on it has been
* received by the remote host.
if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &linger,
sizeof(linger)) == -1) {
errout: printf("Connectionwith%saborterror\n",hostname);

/* Go into a loop, receiving requests from the
* remote client. After the client has sent the
* last request, it will do a shutdown for sending,
* which causes an end-of-file condition to appear
* on this end of the connection. After all of the
* client's requests have been received, the next
* recv call will return zero bytes, signalling an
* end-of-file condition. This is is how the server
* will know that no more requests will follow
* and the loop will be exited.*/
while (len = recv(s, buf, 10, 0)) {
if (len == -1) goto errout; /* error from recv */
/* The reason this while loop exists is that
* there is a remote possibility of the above
* recv returning less than 10 bytes. This is
* because a recv returns as soon as there is
* some data, and will not wait for all of the
* requested data to arrive. Since 10 bytes is
* relatively small compared to the allowed TCP
* packet sizes, a partial receive is unlikely.
* If this example had used 2048 bytes requests
* instead, a partial receive would be far more
* likely. This loop will keep receiving until
* all 10 bytes have been received, thus
* guaranteeing that the next recv at the top
* of the loop will start at the beginning
* of the next request.
while (len < 10) {
len1 = recv(s, &buf[len], 10-len, 0);
if (len1 == -1) goto errout;
len += len1;
/* Increment the request count. */
/* This sleep simulates the processing of
* the request that a real server might do.
/* Send a response back to the client. */
if (send(s, buf, 10, 0) != 10) goto errout;

/* The loop has terminated, because there are no
* more requests to be serviced. As above, this
* close will block until all of the sent replies
* have been received by the remote host. Lingering
* on the close is so the server will have a better
* idea when the remote has picked up all the data.
* This allows the start and finish times printed
* in the log file to more accurately reflect
* the length of time this connection was used.

/* Log a finishing message. */
time (&timevar);
/* The port number must be converted first to
* host byte order before printing. On most hosts,
* this is not necessary, but the ntohs() call is
* included here so this program could easily
* be ported to a host that does require it.
printf("Completed %s port %u, %d requests, at %s\n",
hostname, ntohs(peeraddr_in.sin_port), reqcnt,

* C L I E N T . T C P
* This example program demonstrates the use of stream
* sockets as a BSD Sockets mechanism. This contains the client,
* and is intended to operate in conjunction with the server
* program found in serv.tcp. Together, these two programs
* demonstrate many of the features of sockets, as well as
* good conventions for using these features.
* This program requests a service called "example". For it
* to function, an entry needs to exist in the /etc/services
* file. The port address for this service can be any port
* number that is not used, such as 22375, for example. The
* host on which the server will be running must also have the
* same entry (same port number) in its /etc/services file.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netdb.h>

int s; /* connected socket descriptor */

struct hostent *hp; /* pointer to host info for remote host */
struct servent *sp; /* pointer to service information */

long timevar; /* contains time returned by time() */
char *ctime(); /* declare time formatting routine */

struct sockaddr_in myaddr_in; /* for local socket address */
struct sockaddr_in peeraddr_in; /* for peer socket address */

* M A I N
* This routine is the client that requests service from the
* remote example server. It creates a connection, sends a few
* of requests, shuts down the connection in one direction to
* signal the server about the end of data, and then receives
* all of the responses. Status will be written to stdout.
* The name of the system to which the requests will be sent
* is given as a parameter to the command.
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int addrlen, i, j;

/* This example uses 10 byte messages. */
char buf[10];

if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s <remote host>\n" argv[0];
/* clear out address structures */
memset ((char *)&myaddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
memset ((char *)&peeraddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

/* Set up the peer address to which we will connect. */
peeraddr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* Get the host information for the hostname that the
* user passed in.
hp = gethostbyname (argv[1]);
/* argv[1] is the host name. */
if (hp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s not found in /etc/hosts\n",
argv[0], argv[1]);
((struct in_addr*)(hp->h_addr)->s_addr;
/* Find the information for the "example" server
* in order to get the needed port number.
sp = getservbyname ("example", "tcp");
if (sp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: example not found in
/etc/services\n", argv[0]);
peeraddr_in.sin_port = sp->s_port;

/* Create the socket. */
s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to create socket\n", argv[0])
/* Try to connect to the remote server at the
* address which was just built into peeraddr.
if (connect(s, &peeraddr_in, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) ==-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to connect to remote\n",
/* Since the connect call assigns a random address
* to the local end of this connection, let's use
* getsockname to see what it assigned. Note that
* addrlen needs to be passed in as a pointer,
* because getsockname returns the actual length
* of the address.
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
if (getsockname(s, &myaddr_in, &addrlen) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to read socket address\n",

/* Print out a startup message for the user. */
/* The port number must be converted first to
* host byte order before printing. On most hosts,
* this is not necessary, but the ntohs() call is
* included here so this program could easily be
* ported to a host that does require it.
printf("Connected to %s on port %u at %s",
argv[1], ntohs(myaddr_in.sin_port),

/* This sleep simulates any preliminary processing
* that a real client might do here.

/* Send out all the requests to the remote server.
* In this case five are sent but any random number
* could be used. The first four bytes of buf are
* set up to contain the request number. This
* number will be returned in the server's reply.

/* CAUTION: If you increase the number of requests
* sent or the size of the requests, you should be
* aware that you could encounter a deadlock
* situation. Both the client's and server's
* sockets can only queue a limited amount of
* data on their receive queues.
for (i=1; i<=5; i++) {
*buf = i;
if (send(s, buf, 10, 0) != 10) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Connection aborted on error ",
fprintf(stderr, "on send number %d\n", i);

/* Now, shutdown the connection for further sends.
* This causes the server to receive an end-of-file
* condition after receiving all the requests that
* have just been sent, indicating that no further
* requests will be sent.
if (shutdown(s, 1) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to shutdown socket\n",argv[0]);

/* Start receiving all the replys from the server.
* This loop will terminate when the recv returns
* zero, which is an end-of-file condition. This
* will happen after the server has sent all of its
* replies, and closed its end of the connection.
while (i = recv(s, buf, 10, 0)) {
if (i == -1) {
errout: perror(argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading result\n",argv[0]);

/* The reason this while loop exists is that there
* is a remote possibility of the above recv returning
* less than 10 bytes. This is because a recv returns
* as soon as there is some data, and will not wait for
* all of the requested data to arrive. Since 10 bytes
* is relatively small compared to the allowed TCP
* packet sizes, a partial receive is unlikely. If
* this example had used 2048 bytes requests instead,
* a partial receive would be far more likely.
* This loop will keep receiving until all 10 bytes
* have been received, thus guaranteeing that the
* next recv at the top of the loop will
* start at the begining of the next reply.
while (i < 10) {
j = recv(s, &buf[i], 10-i, 0);
if (j == -1) goto errout;
i += j;
/* Print out message indicating the
* identity of this reply.
printf("Received result number %d\n", *(int *)buf);

/* Print message indicating completion of task. */

printf("All done at %s", ctime(&timevar));
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