HPlogo HP Assembler Reference Manual: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 7 Programming Examples

5. Output of the cc -S Command


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This example shows how a simple C program generates assembly language code. The program calls the printf() routine. To run the assembled code, you need to link the file /usr/ccs/lib/crt0.o and the C library file. Remember that the ld command requires that you link the crt0.o file first in 32-bit mode only. You do not need to link /usr/ccs/lib/crt0.o in 64-bit mode..

C Program Listing

main ()
printf ("Hello World\n");

Assembly Program Listing From the C Compiler

	.LEVEL  1.0
STW %r2,-20(0,%r30) ;offset 0x0
LDO 48(%r30),%r30 ;offset 0x4
ADDIL LR'$THIS_DATA$-$global$,%r27 ;offset 0x8
.CALL ARGW0=GR ;in=26;
BL printf,%r2 ;offset 0xc
LDO RR'$THIS_DATA$-$global$(%r1),%r26 ;offset 0x10
LDW -68(0,%r30),%r2 ;offset 0x14
BV %r0(%r2) ;offset 0x18
LDO -48(%r30),%r30 ;offset 0x1c

.STRINGZ "Hello World\n"






.IMPORT $global$,DATA
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