HPlogo TCP Wrappers Release Notes > Chapter 2  Installation Information

Installing TCP Wrappers


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TCP Wrappers is available as a web release on HP-UX 11i platform from HP’s software depot at www.software.hp.com. After downloading the software package, use the swinstall command to install the package on your system. Detailed information on how to configure and use TCP Wrappers can be found in the respective man pages.

Install the web upgrade as per the following steps:

  1. Run the following command on the command line.

    swinstall -s <destination path>

    Where <destination path> is the absolute path where you downloaded the TCP Wrappers web upgrade depot to.

    A GUI screen appears.

  2. Select the TCP Wrappers product in the GUI screen.

  3. Go to Action menu and choose Install option.

    TCP Wrappers on HP-UX 11i is now available for your use.

This version of TCP Wrappers uses a configuration file, /etc/tcpd.conf to configure the tcpd wrappers daemon. It also uses the access control files, /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to enforce access control in the tcpd daemon. A sample of these files are provided in the /usr/newconfig/etc directory. You can edit these files as per your requirements and copy them to the /etc directory.