HPlogo HP WDB-GUI Reference Manual: HP-UX 11i v2 > Chapter 4 Troubleshooting WDB GUI

Error Messages


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The following table explains the causes and solutions for the various error messages that the system displays while you work with WDB GUI:

Table 4-1 Error Message descriptions


Failed to find debugger

1.If gdb is not in the default path /opt/langtools/bin/

2. If GDB_SERVER is not set to a valid path

1. Export GDB_SERVER=<gdb_path>

2. Export GDB_SERVER to valid path (pointing to gdb).

export GDB_SERVER=/path/to/gdb
Cannot determine location for current line.

The cursor is in an invalid location in the Source view when you initiate one of the following operations:

  • Insert/Remove Breakpoint

  • Run To Cursor

  • Set Next Statement

Move the cursor to a valid source line in the Source view.
Failed to change to directory You have entered an invalid path for the current working directory. From the Load Program dialog box, click the Run tab, and check the Working Directory text entry.

No ptys available.

You have tried to open a program console terminal and all ptys are in use. Or you are denied access to the pty.

Close some applications that use ptys, then shut down and restart the WDB GUI. Or check pty ownership then try again.

Unable to make request -- gdb not connected

The gdb backend is not connected to the WDB GUI because:

  • The backend is in the process of connecting to the WDB GUI.

  • Or the backend has unexpectedly gone away

Wait until the backend is finished connecting to the WDB GUI. Or restart the WDB GUI.

Unable to open slave pty.

You have tried to open a program console terminal and you do not have proper permissions for the slave pty.

Close some applications that use ptys, then shut down and restart the WDB GUI. Or check pty ownership then try again.

Unable to start terminal.

You have tried to open a program console terminal and the terminal executable is not available. Or, too many processes are running.

Make sure that the terminal executable is available, then try again. Or, close some applications to kill processes, then shut down and restart the WDB GUI. Or, try setting your TERM environment variable to hpterm or dtterm.

Underlying gdb exited.

The gdb debugger backend process exited or was killed.

Shut down and restart the WDB GUI.

usage: wdb [gdb options] [Xt options] [-session filename] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]].

You have entered invalid command options.

Check command options based on the usage line provided in this error message, then try again.

Unrecognized file format.

The Session or Preferences file cannot be parsed. The file is probably not a session file or has been overwritten by some other application.

Choose a different session file. If you see this during startup, delete the Preferences file, $HOME/.wdbguirc.

Wrong version of the file format.

The Session or Preferences file has a format that cannot be parsed.

Choose a different session file. If you see this during startup, delete the Preferences file, $HOME/.wdbguirc.

Error: No session file name provided: -session

No session file name was provided with the -session command line argument.

Provide a session file name, or do not use the -session option.

File not found: index.html When you clicked Topics on the Help menu, the WDB GUI could not find the online help file. Install the online help fileset for the WDB-GUI product.

File not found: feedback.html

When you clicked Feedback on the Help menu, the WDB GUI could not find the online help file.

Install the online help fileset for the WDB-GUI product.


NOTE: See the Command view output area for additional debug messages and warnings.
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