HPlogo HP WDB-GUI Reference Manual: HP-UX 11i v2 > Chapter 3 Debugging with WDB GUI

Setting Signal Handling


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You can use Signals to view and set signal handling. This includes whether to stop for a particular type of signal, whether to let your program handle a particular type of signal, and whether to announce each type of signal.

Table 3-2 Columns and descriptions




Name of the signal
StopIndicates whether or not to halt execution on signal.
PrintIndicates whether or not to announce the signal
PassIndicates whether or not to pass the signal to the program. Passing the signal allows the program to handle the signal.
DescriptionA description of the signal.


Table 3-3 Buttions and descriptions




Click to apply changes you have made and exit this dialog box.


Click to apply the changes that you have made.


Click to exit this dialog box. Changes that were not applied will be lost.


Viewing signal handling

To view how signals are handled

  1. On the Edit menu, click Signals.

  2. When you are finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Changing signal handling

To change how a signal is handled

  1. On the Edit menu, click Signals.

  2. Click on the setting you want to change. Each setting toggles between Yes and No when you click on it.

  3. Once you have finished changing the settings, click Apply to commit your changes.

  4. Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog box.


The signals, SIGINT and SIGTRAP,w are used by the debugger. It is not a good idea to change how these signals are handled; doing so may cause the debugger to stop working.

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