HPlogo HP WDB 5.2 Release Notes: HP 9000 and HP Integrity Systems > Chapter 1 Announcement

Summary of Changes in WDB 5.1


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This version includes corrections to defects and several enhancements.

  • Support for Command-line Calls without end.o for PA64 application

    GDB 5.1 can now perform command line calls for PA64 applications that are not linked with end.o. This support is already available for PA 32-bit applications.

  • Support for heap profiling/leak detection from startup of PA32 application

    PA32 RTC is enhanced to collect leaks/heap information from startup of PA32 application when environment variable RTC_INIT is turned on and RTC library LD_PRELOADed.$ LD_PRELOAD=/opt/langtools/lib/librtc.sl RTC_INIT=on <pa32-exe> &Attach the process to gdb to view the complete heap profile and leak information from its startup. This is already the behavior for PA64 and IPF applications.

    NOTE: 1. RTC_INIT environment variable is PA32 specific and not required to be turned on for PA64 and IPF applications.2. If RTC_INIT is set, PA32 RTC starts recording heap information by default for all PA32 processes. So, user should avoid exporting this environment variable for shell and set only when appropriate. The recommendation is to set RTC_INIT in the command line while invoking the PA32 application.
  • Support for catch nomem: GDB 5.1 can detect and report malloc returning NULL pointer. The functionality is available with the RTC library.GDB can also detect NULL pointer return from calloc, valloc and realloc.

    (gdb) set heap-check on[...]   ---> till librtc.sl gets loaded(gdb) catch nomem(gdb)[...]   ---> continue; when a NULL pointer is returned from malloc,warning: Memory Allocation is returning 0x00000000 value __rtc_nomem_event (ecode=RTC_MEM_NULL, pointer=0x0)    at ../../../Src/gnu/gdb/infrtc.c:688688       switch (ecode)
  • Enhanced ptype command to show field layout of struct/union/class: A new option -v in ptype command will now display the field offset and size information of a struct/union/class in addition to the default type information. This option also displays filler bits used in the layout of fields.

    Syntax: ptype [-v] [struct|union|enum|class] <TYPE-TAG|NAME>Example:(gdb) ptype -v struct infotype = struct info { /* off 0 bits, len 512 bits */    int i;        /* off 0 bits, len 32 bits */    char a[20];        /* off 32 bits, len 160 bits */    struct details d;        /* off 192 bits, len 256 bits */    int b : 2;        /* off 448 bits, len 2 bits */    int c : 3;        /* off 450 bits, len 3 bits */    <filler>        /* off 453 bits, len 27 bits */    float f;        /* off 480 bits, len 32 bits */}
  • For PA 64-bit applications, GDB can now step into shared library bind-on-reference calls. This support is already available for PA 32-bit and IPF applications.

  • RTC now supports incremental heap profiling. It allows users to get heap growth starting from a particular time. This feature requires users to specify two parameters:

    • Interval: The user specifies the interval period in seconds. WDB collects the heap growth during this time interval.

    • Repeat Count: WDB collects the heap growth for the number of repeat count specified by the user.

    User can at  any time use info heap-interval command to get the heap growth report. This option is similar to info heap command.

New Commands in HP WDB 5.1

  • set heap-check interval <nn>

    This command starts incremental heap growth profile. All allocations prior to the execution of this command are ignored from report. If incremental heap growth profile is already on, executing this command will reset the counters and start a fresh collection.Interval is specified in seconds.

  • set heap-check repeat <nn>

    This allows user to specify the number of intervals for which WDB should collect the incremental heap growth. The default  value is 100. Every repeat of the interval tracks heap allocation during that interval.

    e.g. <gdb> set heap-check interval 10

            <gdb> set heap-check repeat 100

    Here WDB will create 100 incremental heap profiles which are 10 seconds apart.

  • set heap-check reset

    GDB stores incremental heap growth data in an internal file. During each session data is appended to this file. If a session is very long, it is possible that this file may become very large. In such condition, the command discards the data existing in the file and creates a new data file. Once this command is executed, you cannot see the old data .

  • info heap-interval <file name>

    This command creates the report of heap growth. The data for each interval has the start and end time of the interval. If file name is mentioned a detailed report is written in the file.

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