HPlogo HP WDB 5.0 Release Notes: HP 9000 and HP Integrity Systems > Chapter 5 Patches and Fixes in WDB 5.0

Defects Fixed in WDB 1.3.02.


Technical documentation

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  • Printing of C++ static members now prints correct values

  • You can insert breakpoints by point and click in the WDB GUI

  • Long double variables can be accessed correctly

  • You can make command-line return calls

  • You are no longer restricted to be on a bundle boundary when making a command line call

  • Breakpoints on different source lines that are in the same bundle work correctly

  • Unused variables with no address assigned print <variable optimized out> when accessed

  • xdb-mode command bx n sets breakpoint on the last line in function at depth n instead of the first line of the function at depth n-1

  • Auto-solib-add now works properly

© 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.