HP 3000 Manuals

Views owned by SYSTEM and CATALOG (Continued) [ ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide ] MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation

ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide

Views owned by SYSTEM and CATALOG (Continued) 

Locking of the System Catalog (Continued) 

System.Index (Continued).   

Example.  [REV BEG]

     SELECT * FROM System.Index;
     INDEXNAME           |TABLENAME           |OWNER               |UNIQUE|CLUST
     PARTNUMINDEX        |PARTS               |PURCHDB             |     1|
     PARTTONUMINDEX      |SUPPLYPRICE         |PURCHDB             |     0|
     PARTTOVENDINDEX     |SUPPLYPRICE         |PURCHDB             |     0|
     VENDPARTINDEX       |SUPPLYPRICE         |PURCHDB             |     1|
     VENDORNUMINDEX      |VENDORS             |PURCHDB             |     1|
     ORDERNUMINDEX       |ORDERS              |PURCHDB             |     1|
     ORDERVENDINDEX      |ORDERS              |PURCHDB             |     0|
     ORDERITEMINDEX      |ORDERITEMS          |PURCHDB             |     1|
     INVPARTNUMINDEX     |INVENTORY           |PURCHDB             |     1|
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

      |OWNER               |UNIQUE|CLUSTER|NUMC       |COLNUMS
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      0|          1|0001000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     0|      1|          1|0001000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     0|      0|          1|0002000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      0|          1|0003000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      0|          1|0001000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      1|          1|0001000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     0|      0|          1|0002000000000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      1|          2|0001000200000000000000000
      |PURCHDB             |     1|      0|          1|0001000000000000000000000
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

     MC       |COLNUMS                                                         |
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

                                       |NPAGES     |NLEVELS    |NLEAVES    |NDIS
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          0|          0|          0|
     0000000000000000000000000000000000|          1|          0|          1|
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

          1|          0|          1|         22|         22|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         22|         22|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         15|         15|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         69|         69|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         18|         18|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         17|         17|          1|
          1|          0|          1|         12|         12|          1|
          0|          0|          0|          0|          0|          0|
          1|          0|          1|         22|         22|          1|
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

       |NFIRST     |NPERKEY    |CCOUNT     |CTIME           |COLDIRS
     22|         22|          1|          1|1996020600084900|0005000000000000000
     22|         22|          1|          1|1996020600085000|0005000000000000000
     15|         15|          1|          1|1996020600085000|0005000000000000000
     69|         69|          1|          1|1996020600085000|0005000000000000000
     18|         18|          1|          1|1996020600085100|0005000000000000000
     17|         17|          1|          1|1996020600085100|0005000000000000000
     12|         12|          1|          1|1996020600085100|0005000000000000000
      0|          0|          0|          0|1996070805153400|0005000500000000000
     22|         22|          1|          1|1996020600085200|0005000000000000000
     Number of rows selected is 9
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] > r

     TIME           |COLDIRS
     Number of rows selected is 9

System.Installauth.  [REV BEG] 

SYSTEM.INSTALLAUTH lists all users and authorization groups that have
been granted INSTALL authority.  ALLBASE/SQL updates SYSTEM.INSTALLAUTH
when processing a GRANT INSTALL or REVOKE INSTALL statement, or when
dropping a group having INSTALL authority.

SYSTEM.TABAUTH, contain the security scheme for the DBEnvironment.

it permits users without DBA authority or SELECT authority on
SYSTEM.INSTALLAUTH to examine rows to which they have access.

          Table 8-18.  System.Installauth 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      Column Name      |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        USERID         |     CHAR     |    20    | Authorized DBEUserID or authorization group |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         OWNER         |     CHAR     |    20    | An owner name the USERID is authorized to   |
|                       |              |          | use.  If blank, the USERID is authorized to |
|                       |              |          | use any owner name.                         |
|                       |              |          |                                             |


     SELECT * FROM System.Installauth;
     USERID              |OWNER
     GEORGE@DBMS         |
     CLEM@DBMS           |JOHN@BROCK
     CLEM@DBMS           |SUSAN@SMITH
     Number of rows selected is 3
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e


SYSTEM.MODAUTH contains RUN authorities for application programs.  This
and SYSTEM.TABAUTH views, contains the authorities for the DBEnvironment.

          Table 8-19.  System.Modauth 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      Column Name      |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        USERID         |     CHAR     |    20    | Authorized DBEUserID or authorization group |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         NAME          |     CHAR     |    20    | Name of the module for which the user has   |
|                       |              |          | RUN authority                               |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         OWNER         |     CHAR     |    20    | Owner of the module for which the user has  |
|                       |              |          | RUN authority                               |
|                       |              |          |                                             |


     SELECT * FROM System.Modauth;
     USERID              |NAME                |OWNER
     JIM@FRANCIS         |CEXP06              |JOHN@BROCK
     KAREN@RIZZO         |CEXP06              |JOHN@BROCK
     Number of rows selected is 2
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e


SYSTEM.PARAMDEFAULT contains information about the default values of
parameters that may be passed to and from procedures.

SYSTEM.PARAMDEFAULT is initially empty, and it is updated whenever
OWNERSHIP statement for a procedure that includes default parameter

If a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP is done on the procedure, the owner field in this
view is updated with the name of the new owner.

For literal default values, the source string containing the default
value specification is stored in segments of up to 64 bytes.

Only BINARY or CHARACTER string columns may require more than one 64 byte
segment.  All other data types can fit in a 64 byte field.

          Table 8-20.  System.Paramdefault 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      Column Name      |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         NAME          |     CHAR     |    20    | Name of the parameter with a default        |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|       PROCNAME        |     CHAR     |    20    | Name of the procedure containing this       |
|                       |              |          | parameter                                   |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         OWNER         |     CHAR     |    20    | Owner of the procedure                      |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        SEGNUM         |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Segment number                              |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        SEGLEN         |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Length of segment in bytes                  |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      DEFAULTVAL       |     CHAR     |    64    | Literal value string segment                |
|                       |              |          |                                             |


     SELECT Name, ProcName, Owner FROM System.Paramdefault;
     NAME        |PROCNAME            |OWNER
     SHIFTNAME   |PROCESS12           |PURCHDB

     Number of rows selected is 1
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e

     SELECT SegNum, SegLen, DefaultVal FROM System.Paramdefault;
          1|     3|Day

     Number of rows selected is 1
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e


SYSTEM.PARAMETER contains information about parameters that may be passed
to and from procedures.  SYSTEM.PARAMETER is initially empty, and it is
updated whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes a CREATE PROCEDURE, DROP
PROCEDURE, or TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statement for a procedure that includes

If a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP is done on the procedure, the owner field in this
view is updated with the name of the new owner.

          Table 8-21.  System.Parameter 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         Name          |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         NAME          |     CHAR     |    20    | Name of the parameter                       |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|       PROCNAME        |     CHAR     |    20    | Name of the procedure                       |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         OWNER         |     CHAR     |    20    | Owner of the procedure                      |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|          NUM          |   INTEGER    |    4     | Number of the parameter within the          |
|                       |              |          | procedure                                   |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        LENGTH         |   INTEGER    |    4     |   Either  Maximum length of the column if   |
|                       |              |          |         TYPECODE is 3 (VARCHAR), 9 (NATIVE  |
|                       |              |          |         VARCHAR), or 14 (VARBINARY)         |
|                       |              |          | Or      Number of bytes in the column for   |
|                       |              |          |         all other data types                |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|       TYPECODE        |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Data type of the column:                    |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          | 0    INTEGER or SMALLINT (set by the LENGTH |
|                       |              |          |      field)                                 |
|                       |              |          | 1    BINARY                                 |
|                       |              |          | 2    CHAR (ASCII only)                      |
|                       |              |          | 3    VARCHAR (ASCII only)                   |
|                       |              |          | 4    FLOAT or REAL (set by the LENGTH       |
|                       |              |          |      field)                                 |
|                       |              |          | 5    DECIMAL                                |
|                       |              |          | 6    TID                                    |
|                       |              |          | 7    reserved                               |
|                       |              |          | 8    NATIVE CHAR                            |
|                       |              |          | 9    NATIVE VARCHAR                         |
|                       |              |          | 10   DATE                                   |
|                       |              |          | 11   TIME                                   |
|                       |              |          | 12   DATETIME                               |
|                       |              |          | 13   INTERVAL                               |
|                       |              |          | 14   VARBINARY                              |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         NULLS         |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Null value indicator:                       |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          | 0    if the column cannot contain null      |
|                       |              |          |      values                                 |
|                       |              |          | 1    if the column can contain null values  |
|                       |              |          |                                             |

          Table 8-21.  System.Parameter (cont.) 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         Name          |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|       PRECISION       |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Number of significant decimal or binary     |
|                       |              |          | digits in the number (excluding the sign    |
|                       |              |          | and the decimal point)                      |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|         SCALE         |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Number of digits after the decimal point    |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      LANGUAGEID       |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Code for the language of this column.  Run  |
|                       |              |          | NLUTIL.PUB.SYS to display a complete list   |
|                       |              |          | of native languages and codes for your      |
|                       |              |          | system.  A value of -1 means not applicable |
|                       |              |          | (for non-character type columns)            |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      DEFAULTTYPE      |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Default value type indicator:               |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          | 0    no default clause specified            |
|                       |              |          | 1    DEFAULT NULL                           |
|                       |              |          | 2    DEFAULT USER                           |
|                       |              |          | 3    DEFAULT Constant                       |
|                       |              |          | 4    DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE                   |
|                       |              |          | 5    DEFAULT CURRENT_TIME                   |
|                       |              |          | 6    DEFAULT CURRENT_DATETIME               |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|        OUTPUT         |   SMALLINT   |    2     | Parameter type:                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          | 0    input                                  |
|                       |              |          | 1    input/output                           |
|                       |              |          | 2    output only                            |
|                       |              |          |                                             |


     select * from system.parameter;
     NAME                |PROCNAME            |OWNER               |NUM
     OPERATOR            |PROCESS12           |MANUFDB             |          1
     SHIFT               |PROCESS12           |MANUFDB             |          2
     FAILURETYPE         |PROCESS12           |MANUFDB             |          3
     PARTNUMBER          |DISCOUNTPART        |PURCHDB             |          1
     NAME                |REPORTMONITOR       |PURCHDB             |          1
     OWNER               |REPORTMONITOR       |PURCHDB             |          2
     TYPE                |REPORTMONITOR       |PURCHDB             |          3
     VENDORNUMBER        |DELVENDOR           |PURCHDB             |          1
     VENDORNUMBER        |CHECKVENDOR         |PURCHDB             |          1
     PARTNUMBER          |PROCESS15           |PETERW@WEYGANT      |          1
     PERCENTAGE          |DISCOUNTALL         |PURCHDB             |          1
     NROWS               |ENTERTEST           |PETERW@WEYGANT      |          1

     Number of rows selected is 12
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] >

     select length, typecode,nulls,precision from system.parameter;
              20|       2|     0|        0
              20|       2|     0|        0
              10|       2|     0|        0
              16|       2|     1|        0
              20|       2|     0|        0
              20|       2|     0|        0
              10|       2|     0|        0
               4|       0|     0|       10
               4|       0|     0|       10
              16|       2|     0|        0
               4|       5|     1|        4
               4|       0|     1|       10

     Number of rows selected is 12
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] >

     select scale, languageid, defaulttype, output from system.parameter;
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0
          2|         0|          0|     0
          0|         0|          0|     0

     Number of rows selected is 12
     U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] >


The SYSTEM.PARTITION view is used to describe each partition.  The base
table (which is HPRDBSS.PARTITION) is locked with an exclusive lock
if you execute a CREATE PARTITION or DROP PARTITION statement.
HPRDBSS.PARTITION is locked with a share lock if you execute a CREATE
TABLE statement that specifies a partition or an ALTER TABLE statement
that modifies a partition.

The SYSTEM.PARTITION table initially specifies the DEFAULT partition for
all tables, if they are created when the DBEnvironment is configured.  A
row is added, updated, or deleted from SYSTEM.PARTITION whenever one of
the following occurs:

   *   A CREATE PARTITION or DROP PARTITION statement is processed.

   *   A START DBE NEWLOG statement defining or altering the DEFAULT
       partition is processed.

   *   A CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement specifying a partition is

The PARTITION table format is shown in Table 8-22 .

          Table 8-22.  SYSTEM.PARTITION 

|                       |              |          |                                             |
|      Column Name      |     Type     |  Length  |                 Description                 |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
| PARTITIONNAME         | CHAR         |       20 | Name of the Partition                       |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
|                       |              |          |                                             |
| PARTITIONID           | INTEGER      |        4 | Number of the partition this table is       |
|                       |              |          | assigned to.  0 if default, -1 if none.     |
|                       |              |          | This column is not exposed in the system    |
|                       |              |          | view, and is used to minimize table         |
|                       |              |          | accesses.                                   |
|                       |              |          |                                             |

MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation