HP 3000 Manuals

Monitoring the Log with SQLMON [ ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide ] MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation

ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide

Monitoring the Log with SQLMON 

SQLMON is an online diagnostic tool that monitors the activity of an
ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment.  In addition to providing information about
locking, I/O, and file capacity, SQLMON displays information about
logging activity.  SQLMON is documented fully in the ALLBASE/SQL 
Performance and Monitoring Guidelines.  Table 6-1  summarizes the log
monitoring tasks you can perform with SQLMON.

          Table 6-1.  SQLMON Log Monitoring Tasks 

|           Task            |    SQLMON     |          Fields           |
|                           |    Screens    |                           |
| Determining Log File Capacityverview      | LOG FULL %                |
|                           |               | Used LgPgs                |
|                           |               | Max LgPgs                 |
| Identifying Log Mode      | Overview      | Archive Mode              |
|                           | IO            |                           |
- Detecting Logging Errors  - Overview      - LOG ERRORS                -
| Identifying Size of       | IO            | TOTAL LOG BUFFER PAGES    |
| Log Buffer Pool           |               |                           |
| Monitoring Log Buffer I/O | IO            | LOG BUFF WR               |
|                           | IO Log Session| LOG DISK RD               |
|                           | IO Log Program| LOG DISK WR               |
- Monitoring Checkpoints    - IO            - CHECKPOINTS               -

MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation