HP 3000 Manuals

SET [ ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide ] MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation

ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide


Sets operational options. 


SQLMigrate Only

SQLMigrate Syntax 

SET Option OptionValue;


Option OptionValue     identifies the option and a value for it.  The
                       available option and values are:

AUTO_NO ON             Initial setting is OFF

                       If ON, there is no need to answer interactive
                       SQLMigrate questions.  Sets all answers to NO.

AUTO_NO OFF            If OFF, all interactive SQLMigrate questions must
                       be answered.

BACKUP_MADE ON         Initial setting is OFF

                       If ON, there is no need to answer interactive
                       SQLMigrate questions about backup.

BACKUP_MADE OFF        If OFF, all interactive SQLMigrate questions about
                       backup must be answered.

ECHO_ALL ON            Initial setting is OFF.

                       If ON, batch user input is echoed to the standard

ECHO_ALL OFF           If OFF, batch user input is not echoed.

EXIT_ON_DBERR ON       Initial setting is OFF.

                       If ON, SQLMigrate sets the system JCW to FATAL and
                       terminates immediately if an SQL is encountered.
                       The system JCW is set to 0 if no SQL errors are

EXIT_ON_DBERR OFF      If OFF, SQLMigrate does not immediately terminate
                       if an SQL error is encountered.  The system JCW is
                       not set.
                       [REV BEG]

NEWLOG ON              Initial setting is ON

                       If ON, SQLMigrate automatically issues a START DBE
                       NEWLOG statement after the MIGRATE FORWARD command
                       has finished executing.

NEWLOG OFF             If OFF, you must exit from SQLMigrate, run ISQL,
                       and issue a START DBE NEWLOG statement.  You
                       cannot use your DBEnvironment after it has been
                       migrated until the START DBE NEWLOG statement
                       executes successfully.[REV END]

VERBOSE ON             Initial setting is ON

                       If ON, detailed error and warning messages are
                       displayed.  Suggested actions are often given
                       along with the message.

VERBOSE OFF            If OFF, error and warning messages are short.


The options AUTO_NO and BACKUP_MADE can be used when using a batch job to
migrate one or more DBEnvironments.  When backups have been made and
BACKUP_MADE is set to ON and AUTO_NO is set to ON, only unexpected
situations will cause migration to fail.  Review the job listing to make
sure all DBEnvironments were migrated.

Example 1 

In the following example, the message returned is detailed because
VERBOSE is set to ON.

     SQLMIGRATE=> set verbose on; 

     SQLMIGRATE=> preview 'PartsDBE' forward; 

     ERROR - Insufficient space in the SYSTEM DBEFileSet (DBERR 22540).

     DBEFile(s) containing 5 pages need to be added to the SYSTEM
     DBEFileSet before attempting migration.

     If you are concerned about the amount of additional space being added,
     CREATE multiple small DBEFiles, rather than one large one.  After the
     migration is complete, perform an UPDATE STATISTICS on SYSTEM.TABLE.
     Review SYSTEM.DBEFILE to determine the empty DBEFiles in the SYSTEM
     DBEFileSet, and remove them.  Remember to leave about 20% of the pages
     free for the temporary processing needs of HP SQL.

Example 2 

In the following example, the message is shorter because VERBOSE is set
to OFF.

     SQLMIGRATE=> set verbose off; 

     SQLMIGRATE=> migrate 'PartsDBE' forward; 

     ERROR - Insufficient space in the SYSTEM DBEFileSet (DBERR 22540).

     DBEFile(s) containing 5 pages needs to be added to the SYSTEM
     DBEFileSet before attempting the migration.


MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation