HP 3000 Manuals

SHOWSET [ ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide ] MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation

ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide


Displays the setting of a parameter established with the SET command.


SQLUtil only.

SQLUtil Syntax 

           [BACKUP       ]

BACKUP                  is the name of the Backup setting established
                        with the SET command.[REV BEG] Possible
                           *   STORESET
                           *   RESTORESET
                           *   MOSET
                        [REV END]

ECHO_ALL                is the ECHO_ALL setting established with the SET
                        command.  Possible values are ON or OFF.

EXIT_ON_DBERR           is the EXIT_ON_DBERR setting established with the
                        SET command.  Possible values are ON or OFF.


   *   The SHOWSET command displays the current value of the BACKUP,
       ECHO_ALL, or EXIT_ON_DBERR setting.

   *   If you issue the SHOWSET command without specifying an additional
       parameter, SQLUtil displays settings for all parameters that are
       set with the SET command.


     >> set echo_all on 
     >> showset echo_all 
     showset echo_all
            ECHO_ALL         :  ON

     >> set backup storeset '(*TAPE1, *TAPE2)' 
     >> showset backup 
     showset backup
            STORESET     option:  (*TAPE1, *TAPE2)
            RESTORESET   option:
            MOSET        option:

MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation