HP 3000 Manuals

SHOWDBE-HELP [ ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide ] MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation

ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide


Displays and describes all SHOWDBE commands.



SQLUtil Syntax 

-> HELP  Command Name (opt):  CommandName 


CommandName             is the name of a SHOWDBE command.


   *   If you do not specify a CommandName, the HELP command lists the
       names of all valid SHOWDBE commands and their descriptions.

   *   If a CommandName is specified, the correct syntax and an
       explanation for that command is displayed.

   *   You must enter // to leave the SHOWDBE HELP command.


Anyone can use this command.


     >> showdbe 
     DBEnvironment Name:  PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct 
     Maintenance Word:   Return  
     Output File Name (opt):   Return  
     -> help 

     The following functions are available:

         ALL    EXIT     HELP     LANG    MAINT     QUIT    STARTPARMS

     For more information on any one of the functions, enter the command
     name at the prompt. Carriage return <cr> displays a brief
     description of each command. Type '//' to leave SHOWDBE HELP.

     Command Name (opt):  Return  

     Command Summary:

        ALL         Shows all the information of the DBEnvironment.
        EXIT        Terminates SHOWDBE execution.
        HELP        Displays and describes all SHOWDBE commands.
        LANG        Shows the language of the DBEnvironment.
        MAINT       Shows the DBEnvironment maintenance word.
        STARTPARMS  Shows the startup parameters of the DBEnvironment.
        QUIT        Terminates SHOWDBE execution.

     Command Name (opt): maint 

     -> MAINT

     Shows the DBEnvironment maintenance word.

     Command Name (opt): // 

     -> quit 

MPE/iX 5.5 Documentation