HP 3000 Manuals

MOVE Statement [ HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual ] MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation

HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual

MOVE Statement 

The MOVE statement transfers data to one or more data areas in accordance
with the rules of editing.


The MOVE statement has two general formats:

Parameters identifier-1 and the sending areas. The special registers, TALLY, literal-1 TIME-OF-DAY, CURRENT-DATE, and WHEN-COMPILED may be used as sending items. identifier-2 and its subsequent occurrences, are the receiving areas. CORR an abbreviation for CORRESPONDING. An index data item cannot be used as an operand of a MOVE statement. Description If you use format 2, both identifiers must be group items. Selected items are moved from within identifier-1 to selected items within identifier-2. The results are the same as if you referred to each pair of corresponding identifiers in separate MOVE statements. The rules governing correspondence are presented in Chapter 8 under the heading, "CORRESPONDING Phrase". If you use format 1, the data designated by literal-1, or by identifier-1 is moved, in turn, to identifier-2. Any subscripting or indexing associated with identifiers to the right of the keyword TO is evaluated immediately before the data is moved to the respective data items. Any subscripting, indexing,[REV BEG] reference modification, or function[REV END] associated with identifier-1 is evaluated only once, immediately before the data is moved to the first of the receiving operands. For example, the result of the following statement: MOVE A(B) TO B, C(B) Is equivalent to the following three statements: MOVE A(B) TO temp MOVE temp TO B MOVE temp TO C(B) Where temp is an intermediate result item used internally by the compiler. Note that the move of A(B) to B affects the element of C to which A(B) is moved. That is, if B is initially one and A(B) is 9, then after 9 is moved to B, A(1) is moved to C(9). It is not moved to C(1). Rules For Moving Data All data is moved according to the rules for moving elementary data items to elementary data items. This is called an elementary move. Valid and invalid moves are determined by the categories of the sending and receiving data items. Refer to "PICTURE Clause" in Chapter 7 for a description of the various categories. Any move that is not an elementary move is treated exactly as if it were a move from one alphanumeric elementary data item to another, except that there is no conversion from one form of internal representation to another. In such a move, the receiving data item is filled without respect to the individual elementary or group items contained in either the sending or receiving area, except when the sending data item contains a table whose OCCURS clause uses the DEPENDING ON clause. In this case, only the area specified by the DEPENDING ON clause is filled or moved. When a receiving item is a variable length data item and contains the object of the DEPENDING ON phrase, the maximum length of the item is used. If the move is from a group to an elementary item, justification takes place if specified in the receiving item. Rules For Elementary Moves The following rules apply to an elementary move between data items belonging to one of the five categories of data: * All numeric literals and the figurative constant ZERO belong to the numeric category; all nonnumeric literals, and all figurative constants except SPACE and ZERO belong to the alphanumeric category; SPACE belongs to the alphabetic category. * An alphanumeric-edited or alphabetic data item cannot be moved to a numeric or numeric-edited data item. * A numeric or numeric-edited data item cannot be moved to an alphabetic data item. * A noninteger numeric literal or noninteger numeric data item cannot be moved to an alphanumeric or alphanumeric-edited data item. * All other elementary moves are valid and are performed according to the rules listed below. Any necessary conversion from one internal representation to another takes place during valid elementary moves, as does any editing specified for, or de-editing implied by, the receiving data item. Alphanumeric or Alphanumeric-Edited Receiving Item When an alphanumeric-edited or alphanumeric item is a receiving data item, alignment and any necessary space filling takes place as defined under "Data Alignment" in Chapter 4 . If the size of the sending item is larger than the receiving item, the excess characters are truncated on the right after the receiving data item is filled. If the sending item is a signed numeric item, the sign is not moved, regardless of whether the sign is separate or not. If the sign is separate, however, the sending item is considered to be one character shorter than its actual size. If the sending operand is numeric-edited, no de-editing takes place. If the usage of the sending operand is different from that of the receiving operand, the sending operand is converted to the internal representation of the receiving operand. If the sending operand is numeric and contains the PICTURE symbol 'P', all digit positions specified with this symbol are considered to have the value zero and are counted in the size of the sending operand. Numeric or Numeric-Edited Receiving Item When a numeric or numeric-edited item is the receiving item, alignment by decimal point and any necessary zero filling is performed as defined under "Data Alignment" in Chapter 4 . The exception to this rule is when zeros are replaced because of editing requirements of the receiving data item. For signed numeric receiving items, the sign of the sending item is placed in the receiving item. An unsigned numeric sending item causes a positive sign to be generated for the receiving item. Also, any conversion of the representation of the sign, such as from a zoned overpunched sign to a separate sign, is done as necessary. For an unsigned numeric receiving item, the absolute value of the sending item is moved and no operational sign is generated for the receiving item. For an alphanumeric sending item, data is moved as if the sending item were described as an unsigned numeric integer. The ANSI limit for the length of a numeric item is 18 digits; however, HP COBOL II extends the limit to the length of an intermediate result, as defined in the COMPUTE statement. When the sending operand is numeric-edited, de-editing is implied to establish the operand's unedited numeric value, which may be signed; then the unedited numeric value is moved to the receiving field. This means that blanks are converted to zeros and insertion characters and floating characters are stripped. Any sign characters are translated into the proper internal form of the sign described by the USAGE clause. Alphabetic Receiving Item When a receiving field is described as alphabetic, justification and any necessary space filling is performed as specified under "Data Alignment" in Chapter 4 . If the size of the sending data item is larger than the receiving data item, the excess characters are truncated to the right after the receiving item is filled. Table 9-2 summarizes the rules presented above. Table 9-2. Permissible Moves
Example FILE SECTION. FD FILE-IN. 01 FILE-REC. 02 EMP-FIELD. 03 NAME PIC X(20). 03 AGE PIC 99. 03 EMP-NO PIC X(9). 02 LOCALE PIC X(35). : WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 FIELD. 02 SUB-F1 PIC BBXX VALUE SPACES. 02 SUB-F2 PIC XX/XX/XX VALUE SPACES. 01 NUM-IN PIC S9(3)V99 VALUE -12099. 01 CARD-NUM PIC S9(3)V99 SIGN IS TRAILING VALUE ZERO. 01 NUM-JUNK PIC S9(5) VALUE -12345 01 INFO-OUT. 02 EMP-FIELD. 03 NAME PIC X(20)BBB VALUE SPACES. 03 AGE PIC XXBBB VALUE SPACES. 03 EMP-NO PIC XXXBXXBXXXXBBB VALUE SPACES. 02 EXEMPTIONS PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. Given the fields described above, the MOVE statement: MOVE NUM-IN TO FIELD gives the result: 1209R_______ A group move is done with no conversion. The statement, MOVE NUM-JUNK TO SUB-F2, gives the result: 12/34/5_ The space to the right was supplied in order to fill the field, and no operational sign was moved. Assuming that the current contents of FILE-REC are in order: NAME JASON_PENNY_________ AGE AGE EMP-NO 585241215 LOCALE WASHINGTON_DISTRICT_OF_COLUMBIA____ and the current contents of INFO-OUT are all spaces for NAME, AGE, and EMP-NO, and zeros for EXEMPTIONS, then the statement MOVE CORRESPONDING FILE-REC TO INFO-OUT gives the following results in INFO-OUT, NAME JASON_PENNY____________ AGE 39___ EMP-NO 585_24_1215___ EXEMPTIONS 00 Finally, the MOVE statement: MOVE NUM-IN TO CARD-NUM results in the contents of CARD-NUM being 1209R, since R is the zoned overpunch character for 9 in a negative number. The following example contains a de-edited MOVE statement. Given: 01 NUM-ITEM PIC S9(5)V99. 01 EDITED-ITEM PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99-. MOVE -23.00 TO EDITED-ITEM The following is a valid de-edited MOVE: MOVE EDITED-ITEM TO NUM-ITEM. The results of the example above are the same as in the following example: MOVE -23.00 TO NUM-ITEM

MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation