downloading and installing cusoon

Version 1.12a

Downloading & Installing CUSoon

Although the installation of CUSoon is very straightforward, we recommend that you print this page before you begin. Because this document uses printer style sheets, the use of Internet Explorer 6 or higher is recommended for printing.

Step One:

Downloading CUSoon

Click here to download a self-extracting zipped copy of CUSoon:

Download CUSoon (897K)

Once downloaded, unzip CUSoon to wherever you wish. Although the self-extractor is primed to the "C:\" root, the location where you place your CUSoon folder is inconsequential to its operation.

CUSoon is licensed by two files, "from.txt" and "organization.txt," that specify who you are and the name of your organization. The encoded information included in these two files will be integrated in every email that you transmit.

You should have received these two files by email. Now that you have unzipped your copy of CUSoon, please place these two files in the newly created "cusoon/config" folder. We also recommend that you backup these two files.

You may load CUSoon on as many PCs as you wish, although you will probably not want to run it on more than one PC at a time.

Upgrade Policies:

Upgrading your copy of CUSoon requires nothing more than re-downloading a new CUSoon self-extracting file and re-installing it. Simply check the version number of your copy against the version listed at the top of the page. If your version is older, we recommend that you download and install the new copy.

Downloading a new version will not cause you to lose any of the configuration information that you have established. Nor is downloading a new version restricted to only those who are on paid support. You are free to download new versions as soon as they become available, forever.

Step Two:

First Execution

Double-click the "cusoon.exe" file in your "/cusoon" folder to begin CUSoon's execution. You should see this screen if you have a properly licensed version:

Click on the Configure pull-down menu to begin the configuration of CUSoon.

CUSoon uses the concept of "watched folders" on your host(s). When a flat file containing a list of names is placed in the watched folder (or a specified group, in the case of MPE/iX), CUSoon will — on a regular basis — query the folder using FTP (file transfer protocol) to see if one or more files exist in the folder. If such lists do exist, they are downloaded one at a time, processed and then sent out to their intended recipients. The process is repeated until all of the files in the watched folder have been downloaded and purged from the host.

You may specify five different folders to be watched in CUSoon. Those folders may be on five different hosts, all on one host, or in any combination.

In the configuration to follow, we're going to specify:
  • A password for CUSoon's manager
  • How often you want CUSoon to inspect your hosts for new flat files to be processed
  • The email address of CUSoon's manager, to whom error emails will be sent
  • The maximally acceptable error rate
  • The SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) address of your email ISP (internet service provider)
  • The FTP locations of your "watched" folders

Step Three:

Assign a Manager's Password

Choose your favorite password and type it in twice for verification. The password doesn't have to be exceptionally elaborate or unique. There's nothing in the configuration of CUSoon that is especially sensitive.

If you should forget your password, you can simply delete the file "cusoon\config\config.txt" that will be created during this configuration procedure. This will of course require that you enter all of this information again, but you do have this option open to you given the worse possible circumstances.

Step Four:

Defining CUSoon's Behavior

Select the Setup tab at the top of the form. Five items will be defined in this first form.

  • Please select send email as either (i) plain text only or (ii) a combination of both plain text and HTML. In general, you'll want to choose the second option, both plain text and HTML.

  • You will also want to have the AOL as plain text box checked. If this box is checked, an email addressed to a recipient with an "" address will be sent only as plain text. AOL members currently cannot read HTML-based email and probably won't be able to for the foreseeable future.

  • Enter a contact host computer frequency that you feel comfortable with. We recommend every 10 minutes, but you are free to select any frequency from every 5 minutes to once a day.

  • Enter the email address of the person who will be responsible for overseeing CUSoon's operation. If you're configuring CUSoon now, that person will likely be you. If things go wrong, CUSoon will send you a short email describing the nature of the problem.

  • Select the maximally acceptable error rate that you wish to tolerate. Before any list of emails is sent out over the internet, CUSoon performs a test merge of all of the downloaded data. Emails with errors them will not be sent. If, for any reason, the percentage of emails with errors exceeds your chosen percentage, the list won't be sent at all. We recommend 2% as the error threshold. Generally, either almost all of the emails will be sent or none of them will.

Step Five:

Establishing an Email Link

Select the ISP tab at the top of the form. Three items will be defined in this form:
  • Enter your ISP's SMTP email server address

  • Enter the user name you use for login into the SMTP server

  • Enter your SMTP password

Press the test connection button to send an email to the CUSoon manager's email address that you entered on the previous screen. If you receive that email, you now have proof of a working email connection.

Step Six:

Defining the "Watched" Folders on Your Hosts

For HP3000 MPE/iX Systems:

Select a Server tab at the top of the screen. Four items will be defined on this form when using an HP3000 MPE/iX host:
  • Enter the server name. The name may be either an IP address or a DNS (domain name server) name.

  • Enter the user name. This name will be essentially the same string of characters that you would use to enter the group if you performed a standard "hello," but without any passwords embedded in the string.

  • Skip the directory entry. It is unused on MPE/iX systems.

  • Enter the password(s), if any. The password string will be of the form [user],[group],[account], with commas separating the various passwords. If you are unsure about the string to use, practice logging onto your MPE/iX server using the FTP client available in MS-DOS.

  • If you wish this server to be included in the active list of servers queried for new email lists, be sure to uncheck the don't look for files on this server box.

Test the connection to the server by pressing the button.

For Linux, UNIX and Windows Systems:

Select a Server tab at the top of the screen. Four items will be defined on this form when using a Linux, UNIX or Windows host:
  • Enter the server name. The name may be either an IP address or a DNS (domain name server) name.

  • Enter the user name.

  • Enter the "watched" folder's directory path. This entry is identical to the path that you would enter following a "cd" or "cwd" command if you logged on manually.

  • Enter the user password.

  • If you wish this server to be included in the active list of servers queried for new email lists, be sure to uncheck the don't look for files on this server box.

Test the connection to the server by pressing the button.

Step Seven:

Saving Your Configuration

Press the OK button to save your settings.

If you maintain a restricted list of IP addresses that may FTP into your hosts, be sure to include your CUSoon PC's address in those lists.

Congratulations. CUSoon is now completely installed and ready to be used. The "watched" folders (or groups) that you defined above will normally be empty. When the first properly formatted flat files appear in those groups, CUSoon will detect their presence, merge their data with the proper templates and email that information out to the world, completely automatically, with no further user intervention.

Step Eight:

Starting CUSoon

To begin CUSoon's execution, either go to CUSoon's File pull-down menu or type Cntl+S.

We also recommend that you run CUSoon with its debug window visible. To start the window, either go to CUSoon's Debug pull-down menu or type Cntl+D. The debug window will appear as shown here:

If something should go wrong with CUSoon and you would like to contact AICS Research about the problem, saving the contents of the current debug screen to a text file is a very helpful debugging mechanism. To create this file, click on the File pull-down menu.

Email the resulting file to support[at]aics-research[.]com. And, of course, never hesitate to call us for the smallest of problems.

Our address is:
AICS Research, Inc.
PO Box 4691
University Park, NM 88003-4691
(800) AICS-INC [(800) 242-7462]
(505) 524-9800
(505) 526-4700 fax
We're pleased to help in any way that we can.

CUSoon home page